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Chapter - 55

_Mason Williams_

Losing someone you love is the hardest thing n the world to deal with. Itʼs a kind of pain that you physically feel all over your body. Itʼs suffering of the worst kind. To make things even worse, it seems like no one else understands how youʼre feeling.

Sometimes it hurts so bad that you may ask yourself, "What's the point of being here anymore?". And I ask myself that question all the time.

The world seems to stand still when you are told. That feeling you have never felt before, of total sadness. You feel faint and dazed as if you are falling or dreaming. You were told this was going to happen, but you could never be prepared for it. You don't know what to say, you are totally speechless. You burn up, feel dizzy but no tears will come. You have to get out of there, to escape, runaway anything to make this feeling fade. You just don't want to believe it had happened after everything. Part of you wants to cry your heart out and the other part wants to hit something with the anger that raging inside you.

After the doctor's statement. I felt as though I had lost everything. At that moment, I felt like there was no reason for me to live anymore. I was conscious, but I was dead from inside.

I entered the room slowly to see Ellie's lifeless body laying on the bed. As I gazed down at her beautiful face, tears flowed down my cheeks.

"You can't leave like this Ellie" I whispered taking her cold hand in mine. "Please don't leave me. Please.. I won't be able to leave without you"

"It was supposed to be forever" I began to sob. "Please don't go. Please wake up. I fucking beg you Bella" I leaned my forehead against her. I sobbed uncontrollably, screaming. Antonio grabbed my shoulder, reassuring me.

"I can't do this without you. You can't do this to me. We were supposed to grow older together" I whispered closing my eyes. "Antonio please asked her to wake up. She's not doing this fair"

Antonio shook her, crying. "Mason she's gone.. "

"Shut the fuck up Antonio. Ellie can't leave me!" I shouted refused to believe what he just said. "Ellie wake up.. please baby" I gasped, struggling for air due to my sobs.

"Mason please try to handle yourself" He whispered, squeezing my shoulder. I shook my head shaking her lifeless body. I held her head and neck up, pressing my forehead against her, sobbing.

"Our twins needs you. How am I going to raise them on my own? They need their mother too. At least for them wake up" I cried out.

Her face turned more beautiful. She was looking so innocent. Her face turned pale blue from poison.

"Bella.. I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you" I gasped, sobbing. "If you're not with me anymore then there's no reason for me to live too" I whispered against her lips and gently pressed my lips against hers.

I' m not sure how long we lasted like this before she let out a sudden breathe. My eyes immediately turned widened along with Antonio. She was taking lengthy breathes. Her chest rises and falls. She was trying to breathe as something white spilled out of her lips.

"ANTONIO CALL THE DOCTORS!" I shouted helding her in my arms. Antonio didn't waste a second and ran out from the room.

"Ellie you'll be okay baby" I whispered holding her in my arms. She tightly hold my hand as a tear ran down her left cheek. This was breaking my heart. More liquid poured from her mouth as she struggled to breathe. As more tears flowed down my face, I hugged her.

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