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Chapter 53

Ellie's PoV~

After getting fresh, I went to my closet and changed into something comfortable. When I got home I immediately went to sleep. I wasn't sure how long I had been sleeping, but I felt much better now. On the other hand, my life continued growing more difficult. Sometimes I wish I could just flee from everything and everyone else.

Thousands of questions and things run through my thoughts as I stand in front of the mirror and look in the mirror at myself.

I can't leave Mason. No matter what. Only God know how I survived the last seven years. Every day and night, I prayed for Mason's return. And when he had returned. All of his memories were lost.

I let out a sighed.

Knock knock*

"Come in" I answered. My room door got opened revealing Diana and little Bella.

"Mommy" She grinned running towards me. I smiled taking her in my arms. "I missed you so much"

"I missed you more baby" I kissed her head.

"Bella was going crazy to see you" Diana let out sighed.

"Where's Marcullo?" I asked as my eyes searched for Marcullo.

"He went out to play with Hazel" Diana answered, giving me a reassuring smile. I sighed and looked at Bella.

"Mommy where's Mason?" She asked.

"He's sick, dear, so we took him to the hospital" I whispered placing another kiss on her head.

"How soon will he recover? I miss him"

"He will return by tomorrow" I answered putting her down. As mama entered my room, I noticed.

"Bella, shall we go out to see where Marcullo is?" Diana asked and extended her hand to be held. Bella nodded her head and looked back at me with her cute smile.

Diana smiled at me before leaving my room.

"How are you dear" Mama asked and gave me a hug.

"I don't know mom" I sighed and returned her hug. She rubbed my back softly, reassuring me.

"Everything will be alright El" She whispered.

I nodded my head.

"But Mom I'm not sure what's wrong with Dad. He wants me to leave Mason" I murmured as I backed away from the hug.

"He's your father dear. From his perspective he is correct and from your perspective you're correct" She said. "But whatever decision you make, I'll support you" She added.

"I don't know Mama what to do" I mumbled, running my hand through my hair.

"Just follow your heart" She advised. I gave her a little smile. Mama took a deep breathe and crossed her arms.

"But do you think Mason will regain his memories withn six month?" She inquired. "It's really a challenging task Ellie"

I glanced at her, unsure what to say. She was speaking the truth.

"He's better now Mama" I mumbled.

She remained silent for few seconds then nod her head.

"I'm hoping Mason will recovers quickly. Also take of yourself too. Have you seen yourself?" Getting disappoint, mom questioned.

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