Chapter 01

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"FASTER, FASTER!!" you yelled as panda ran with you on his back.

Currently, you were racing with your friends. Panda and you were a team against Nobara and Yuji. You knew you'd loose, because Yuji is fast as hell, but you didn't want to go down without trying.

Nobara kept slapping Yuji's head yelling, "RUN DUMBASS THEY'RE GONNA CATCH UP" to which Yuji groaned. You tried to pay attention to the race and encouraged panda to run faster. "C'mon Panda-senpai, WE CAN DO IT." You said to which Panda said, "Yes we can (Y/n)-chan!"

The finishing line was in sight where Toge and Maki held a rope with Megumi on his phone, not paying attention to the race.

Panda and Yuji were now side-by-side (Yuji decreased his speed cause he wanted it to be a bit fair) Nobara and you, who were on top of the runner glaring at eachother. You stuck your tongue, to which she hit Yuji on the head and told him to increase his speed.

Unwillingly, Yuji ran faster and eventually won. Panda and you finally reached the finishing line and fell on the ground. You sat up and comforted panda who was slightly sad that he didn't win.

"Don't worry Panda-senpai, you did great! We'll get them next time!" You said with a wide grin that caused Panda to feel slightly better.

Panda was gonna say something when he got cut off by a yelling, Gojo sensei. "HELLO THERE, DEAR PUPILS! HOPE YOU TRAINED WELL!!" He yelled. Maki rubbed her temples and said, "Stop yelling, we can hear you."

Gojo noticed you and Panda slumped on the ground and asked, "What happen to you both?" With a smug look on his face.

You scowled at him and stood up preparing to leave, because you knew what he was going to say next.

"Aww, did little old (Y/n)-chan lose again?" He said in a teasing tone.

Gojo would always tease you for not being very strong. You never really took it to heart, you knew he was only kidding, hence he continued.

"No I didn't idiot, I was just helping Panda-senpai" you said as you continued to walk away.

Gojo dramatically gasped and said,
"(Y/n)-chan, don't disrespect your elders like that!"

"Sensei... That's what Utahime-san says yet you continue.." you muttered to yourself and left.

It was now after school, and you were heading towards your dorm, hoping to take a relaxing bath and take a nap

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It was now after school, and you were heading towards your dorm, hoping to take a relaxing bath and take a nap.

But it seemed that the world— or rather, Gojo had different plans for you.

There stood your teacher, in front of your dorm room, attention on his phone, until he noticed you.

"(Y/n)-chan!! HEYY!!" he exclaimed.

"Sensei? What are you doing here?" You asked confused.

"Huh? Don't tell me you forgot, and drop the sensei, schools over"

"What did I forget...?" you asked looking to the ceiling trying to remeber.

Gojo sighs and says, "Suguru is coming back today!!"

Your eyes widened. How could you forget?

Geto was Gojo's friend and your mentor just like Gojo. Geto was the one who had taken you to jujutsu high when he found you all alone in that building, but that's a story for another day.

"Wait he's coming today?!" You asked

"Yes! In like an hour, so hurry up, and get ready!" Gojo said, and you rushed inside your dorm room.



599 words

Teacher's Pet [G.Satoru]Where stories live. Discover now