Chapter 21

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After completing the boring 'study' part of the study trip, you and Nobara wanted nothing more than go to the nearest pub and drink your hearts out.

But, the drinking and dancing would have to wait, since it was the afternoon right then.

So, what other way to spend the day than going out and checking the city out?

You had currently stepped out of the shower.

It wasn't easy sharing a room with Nobara. She took quite the time in the shower.

Once she was done with her shower, she had exited the room, to go discuss with the boys on which all places they wanted to view.

Which left you all alone in your room, eyeing between two dresses that were splayed across your bed.

Gojo on the other hand, was trying escape a certain red-head.

This crimson haired woman, not so surprisingly, was a woman that the sorcerer had previously hooked up with.

It was just his luck when the woman latched onto his arm, when he was trying to woo the receptionist.

Due to not wanting to break the young woman's heart, he had to give up his room number.

And right now, when he was away from his room, for like a minute, the woman was in front of it, waiting as if someone was going to open the door.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" Gojo said.

He needed to get away. Where could he possibly hide?

The first place that came into his mind was, Itadori and Fushiguro's room.

Itadori, wouldn't think too deep into it, and well... Fushiguro wouldn't care all that much.

They probably wouldn't doubt his half-assed reasoning as to why he was there.

He made a dash to the end of the floor; he had taken a room a little distant from his students, because he didn't want to let them know of his freetime buisness.

Rushed to the second door, and knocked rapidly.

"Yuji-kun, it's me! Please open the door!" He said, looking back at the woman that awaited his presence.

You, unbeknownst to him, was the person behind the door.

The man was in too much of a rush to notice that he was knocking on door 308, and not 309.

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