Chapter 24

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You let out a tired groan as you tried to move your body, but were unable to, as a strong arm held you against a strong body.

Your eyes slowly opened and after it was blurry for a sec, your vision become more clear.

You looked around the dimly lit room, searching for the clock.

It was hard to tell, but it looked like 6:46AM?

You squinted your eyes, and it was indeed 6:46AM.

You turned your head slightly, not making quick movements to wake the sleeping sorcerer.

You could spot your phone on the bedside table.

You weren't too far away from it, so you attempted to grab it. Your hand which was previously placed on Gojo's chest, was now outstretched, trying its best to reach your phone.

Your fingertips had grasped it, maybe a bit of a push will do, you thought.

You pushed your body upwards, and now all your fingers could feel your phone.

You pushed up just a little more, and it was within grabbing range.

As you grabbed your phone, the arms which previously were on waist, (now on your hips due to the upward pushing) pulled you closer, and you let out a silent yelp, as Gojo's face was now buried in between your breasts.

Your eyes were wide, and breathing heavy. If he was conscious, he could probably hear the fast beating of your heart.

'Okay... Calm down... You've been in much more intimate positions with him, this is no biggie!' you reassured yourself.

You let out a shaky exhale, as you brought your phone which you had successfully retrieved into your view.

The bright light almost blinded you, but you were quick to bring it down.

You looked at your notifications: Two from YouTube, one from Instagram informing you of someone's livestream, and text messages from Kugisaki.

'Oh finally! She must've realised!' you mentally said.

You clicked on the text messages.



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