Chapter 13

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After your fight with Gojo, the rest of the students fought against the two men, both of them won the fights, due to their past experiences.

As you observed each student fight, Nobara approached you.

The girl sat next to you, and asked, "Can I come over, so we can study together? For that test on the history of jujutsu sorcerers."

"A fucking test?" You groaned.

"Yeah, you need to play more attention in class." Nobara advised.

"It's not my fault it's boring as hell." You defended.

"Yeah, yeah. So can I come over or nah?"

"Please do, I don't know shit." You replied back.

Nobara chuckled at you, as you both turned your concentration back towards the fight.

Yuji who came back from getting a drink sat next to you both.

He took a sip out of the cold beverage in his hand.

You saw him drink, and suddenly you wanted to drink some too. But you lacked the energy to go all the way to the vending machines and come back.

Unfortunately when Yuji left to get the drink, was around when the fight between you and Gojo was about to conclude, so you couldn't have asked him to get you one.

The heat was killing you, and the black uniforms didn't help at all.

"Oi Itadori..." You said, which caught the boy's attention.


"Can I please take one sip...?" You asked, while pointing to the can in his hand.

He looked to where you were pointing, and his mouth made an o.

"Sure, here." He said, giving you the can.

"You have no idea how grateful I am for you." You said, taking the can from his hands.

The cold water droplets on the can made in contact with your warm hand, cooling your hand.

You lifted it up to your mouth, and felt fizzy liquid go down your throat.

From not too far away, a certain white haired man observed you.

Teacher's Pet [G.Satoru]Where stories live. Discover now