Chapter 27

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Warning(s): Sexual content, Two-part smut, Face-sitting, (kind of unhealthy relationship?)

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Warning(s): Sexual content, Two-part smut, Face-sitting, (kind of unhealthy relationship?)


Satoru sat at his table, chewing away at his food.

The man who was usually filled with energy, was very tired, and he looked the part too.

You offered to make him some tea, which he was hesitant to, but you managed to convince him.

You stood there, watching the water boil.

Gojo, who was done with his food had thoughts filling his mind, as he stared at his empty plate.

He really didn't care about many people, but the one of the ones he did care about was in a bad condition.

Naturally, when multiple thoughts fill up your mind, some bad ones get in there too, which Gojo didn't want to think of.

He couldn't imagine it. They were the strongest for god's sake, nothing bad would happen, he told himself.

He didn't want to think of such things. He needed a distraction right now.

His eyes wandered from his plate, to the window, to you.

You stood there, not wearing anything too eye-catching, but still looked good. Fuck, maybe a little too good.

But... Should he? It would be kinda fucked up to use you like that wouldn't it?

He could just call someone else to relieve his stress, but... You were here, and brought food for him.

Something about that— something about you caring enough to bring him food, make him tea, all that made him feel really good inside.

He remembered, he isn't the only one who cares about Suguru, you do too. A lot.

So it could be that you are also having thoughts similar to his, and are looking for a distraction as well?

In Gojo's eyes, that's considered as an absolute win-win.

He stood from his chair, the creak causing you to glance for a second, just to turn back to the water on the stove.

The white haired man set his plate aside, washed his hands, and dried them.

He looked at the back of your head, as he approached you.

Teacher's Pet [G.Satoru]Where stories live. Discover now