Chapter 30

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•°•°•°•°•°•°•°• was gonna be long night.

Or rather, afternoon, you thought, grinding onto Yuta's boner, with his tongue down your throat.

Why the actual fuck were you even kissing him?

No idea.

You had half the doubt that having sex with your sensei made you get the Gojo Syndrome.

Yuta moaned into your mouth, feeling your warm, clothed cunt against his throbbing erection.

The grip on your waist tightened.

All you felt were his hands on you, and pure ecstacy.

...but it wouldn't last long, as you heard a knock resounding from your door.

The two of you were quick to break the little make our sesh.

"Fuck- who is it?" Yuta groaned, panting. Obviously not too pleased by the disruption.

As if on cue, the voice behind the knocking responded,

"Oi (Y/n)! Open up.", Said the voice of your dear friend who was cockblocking you for the second time now.

"Shit-! It's Kugisaki!" You said, scrambling out of his hold.

"Senpai- Y-you have to hide! I can't have Kugisaki of all people finding a guy in my room! That girl cannot keep a secret!" You whisper-yelled.

Yeah sure, she was an amazing friend, you loved her, and trusted her, but NOT with any confidential info.

And in this case, it wasn't just about you, it was about Yuta as well.

"O-okay! Where-?!" Yuta said, standing up, and looking around.

"Uh- bathroom!" You said, pushing him in.

"Ahh!" He let out, by accident, almost tripping.

"Huh- (Y/n), you okay in there?" Kugisaki asked, from behind the door.

"Yeah! Coming!" You said, brushing your hands over your hair to make it seem less messy.

You rushed to the door, and opened it, taking in Nobara's confused figure that stood outside your door.

"You good? I heard you yell... Sounded weird and deep." She said, coming in.

"Yeah, just- almost fell." You said, not exactly lying, cause someone did almost fall, this someone just didn't happen to be you.

Teacher's Pet [G.Satoru]Where stories live. Discover now