Chapter 10

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[A/N; This is more of a filler chapter, the next will be very interesting *JUST SAYING*]

“Kaitlyn, Julie called me and told me you had nowhere to live” I roll my eyes and turn back towards the door. “Kaity, wait, hear me out please?” I turn back to face him.

“What Dad?” I ask placing my hand on my hip.

“Is it true?” His eyes are red and his face full of worry, I raise my eyes brows. “About you being homeless?”

“Yes, it is but I don’t care, I’d rather live on the street than be anywhere near you and mom” I snap at him. I turn back and walk towards the front door. I walk outside and close the door behind me. Not knowing where I was going or what I was doing, I just got back in my car and drove away.

I switched off my phone and placed it on the passenger seat. I drove for about an hour before pulling up at a mall; I parked my car, grabbed my purse and phone & got out. I locked the car and headed in to the mall. I walked towards the ATM machine and pushed my card in; I tapped in my pin and checked the balance. $15,000… “What the fuck?” I say to myself. I eject my card and make sure I’m definitely using my own, which I was. I pulled my phone from my pocket, switched it on and walked away from the machine. I dialled my father’s number and waited for him to answer.

“Kaity, where are you? We’re all worried” He asked quickly.

“I’m at a mall in West LA, but that’s not why I’m calling, why is there 15 thousand dollars in my bank account?!” I say quietly but snappy.

“I transferred in after you left; it’s to rent an apartment…”

“Whoa! What?” I exclaim. Is he insane?! It is not $15,000 to rent an apartment. “Are you mad?”

“No, sweetie, it’s for you safety and my peace of my mind.” I sigh and realize he won’t give in easily.

“Thank you dad, I’m sorry” I sigh.

“It’s ok hunny, I will help you find a place if you like?” I bite down on my lip and mull it over.

“It’s OK dad, I’ll find somewhere myself, if I need help I know who to call, please don’t tell mom” I head in to the mall and head towards the food court.

“I won’t, me and her aren’t on speaking terms so don’t worry, I will speak to you when you get back, which will be what time?”

“Um, a few hours, just clearing my head and getting food.” I decide to have McDonalds.

“Well you are welcome to stay with me till you get a place” I sigh slightly.

“It’s fine, I’ll stay at Sam’s” I smile to myself and get in the queue. “I’m going now, I need to eat”

“Bye sweetie” Before I have to chance to reply he hangs up. I push my phone in to my pocket and stand in the queue.

I spend a few hours in the mall, before heading back home. I place the bags in the trunk and get into the car. I get in and plug my phone in the player, I press play and Last Kiss by Taylor Swift plays…I pull out and head towards the interstate. Taylor’s voice fills the car and I feel myself getting lost in the music. I wind my window down and breathe in the fresh air.

I pulled up outside Sam’s house and Wes’ car was still in the drive way. I sigh and get out, I head towards the house and I can hear voices from the back yard, I take the side gate towards the yard and see them playing in the pool, Charli is there as well.

“Hey guys” I smile and sit on the garden chair.

“You’re back” Wes beams as he jumps out of the pool, the water drips down his perfect abs, I swallow hard and try to take my eyes off but I just can’t peel my eyes away, it’s not until fingers are clicking in front of my eyes I look up to see Wes looking down at me.

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