Chapter 17

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[A/N; I actually cried a little while writing some of this, I'm too emotional today. Anyway this is dedicated to Celine for being a very loyal reader! I love you girl, go check out her fic Curious, it's awesome!!]

*Kaity's POV*

After Wes' outburst last night, I ended up sleeping in Brooke's room, on the floor since she was home but it was better than Wes' bed.

I wake up & quickyly get dressed. I pull on my black leggings & a plan white t-shirt, I finish off the look with a dark denim acid wash shirt & black boots. I pull my hair in to a messy ponytail and leave my face make-up free. I grab my things and leave Brooke's room quietly as to not wake her.


I get to Wes' door & debate with myself whether to confront him or not, my hand reaches for the handle when the door swings open and I'm standing face to face with Tracie. "You" I spit out, my chest hurting, I can literally feel my heart breaking.

"Good morning" She smirks, I look behind and Wes is pulling on a shirt, I glance back to Tracie and she's wearing the shirt he had on last night. I look back to Wes one last time and he notices me standing there.

"I hope you two are happy together" I snap, I turn on my heel and run down the stairs, I hear Wes shouting my name but I don't stop.

It takes a good 10 minutes before I slow down & for Wes to stop running after me. My place is 15 minutes away in the car, but at least 30 by walking. I stop and steady my breathing before setting off again. The thoughts in my head almost driving me insane, all the scenarios I'm seeing. They clearly slept together last night, he thought I was Tracie. Tears spilled from my eyes, there was something he wasn't telling me, something going on between them. I'd say I hate him but I know I don't, I'd just be lying to myself.

I finally reach my street and I see Wes' car parked in the lot. "Crap!" I say to myself, I walk towards his car, expecting to see him sat in it, but the car was empty, "I gave him the spare key" Great, he's going to be sat inside waiting for me.

I take a deep breath in before heading in to the apartment, I open the door and see Wes pacing back and forth in front of the sofa.

"Thank God!" I roll my eyes as I kick off my boots, I dump my stuff on the table and sit on the chair. "Why was Tracie in my bed this morning & not you?"

"You tell me" I snap, he shrugs & confusion fills his face. "Oh don't play dumb Wes, it doesn't suit you"

"Kaity, I'm not acting, what the hell happened?" I sigh heavily and pull my feet up, I wrap my arms around my knees and pull them to my chest.

"Last night when I was putting you to bed, I said I love you, and you said it back but you didn't say Kaity, you said I love you too Tracie" His mouth falls open and he looks shocked. "So, I slept on Brooke's floor, I was going to come and speak to you, that was until Tracie opened the door wearing your shirt"

"Oh shit, Kaity, I am so sorry, I was out of it last night, the tablets knocked me for six, I can't say anything other than I am truly sorry"

 "Save it Wes, the act doesn't fool me, there's clearly something you're not telling me, first the secret phone calls, the picture of you two hidden in your drawers, the slap last night & now this, just tell me" I was trying to be strong but it was hard, the tears threatening to fall.

"I don't know what..."

"Wes! Stop lying to me, the least you can do it ell me the truth!"

"You're right, you deserve the truth" He says before taking a deep breath. "After that night you stopped you know..." I nodded "Well, I was pissed and you left me hanging so I called..." I cut him off knowing where this was going.

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