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Name: Marcus Callahan


Species: Human


Height: 6'0

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Height: 6'0


Peak Level Intelligence: He is more intelligent than most humans, or at least able to use his brain more efficiently either training or by being naturally gifted or training themselves for the needed shortcuts. He is also able to perform feats of mind comparable to computers.

Peak Level Strength: He can easily dead lift over a 1,000 pounds and he can punch through solid concrete without injuring himself.

Peak Level Endurance: He can take several blows ten times harder than people hitting others with brass knuckles at full force without taking damage.

Peak Level Agility: At his maximum speed, he can almost run as fast as a Cheetah.

Peak Level Healing Factor: He can heal from wounds several times faster than the average human with lethal wounds healing up in a few days rather than weeks.

Peak Human Condition: He is strong enough to punch an individual through a wooden or thin-metal door; able to break thin steel bars with his bare hands; fast enough to catch-up or outrun moving vehicles; able to exert himself to peak capacity for hours; producing top-endurance and lung capacity; agile enough to climb the tallest of buildings, leap high into the air and run distant miles; reflexive enough to effectively dodge multiple incoming attacks, rapid gunshots as well as seemingly sudden motions (e.g. walls or debris of a crumbling roof), accurate enough to achieve multiple small and further distant targets, capable of living longer than the average-person, durable enough to withstand normal and enhanced physical/projectile attacks, intelligent enough to understand complex problems beyond the scope of average humans, he can heal himself in very short-periods of time, flexible enough to coordinate his limbs perfectly and his combat skills are advanced enough to defeat large groups of enemies with ease.



Abilities when wearing the Symbiote:

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Abilities when wearing the Symbiote:

Enhanced Strength: Marcus while wearing the Symbiote is several times stronger than without the symbiote, strong enough to hold off the likes of the Hulk himself.

Enhanced Speed: He can travel at speeds faster than even Spiderman, Venom, and Carnage combined.

Enhanced Healing Factor: His wounds will heal at an astonishing rate rivaling the likes of Wolverine himself.

Enhanced Durability: He is durable to handle blows from powerhouses like the Sentry and the Hulk when empowered by his rage.

Enhanced Agility: He can transverse across multiple buildings within a few minutes.

Body Manipulation: Like Carnage, he can freely shape some parts og his body to create weapons out of his own symbiote like swords, axes, etc...

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