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[Note: This is basically something that can be used for various scenarios with slight changes to the backstory like for one, if this OC was in the Boys Universe for example. And this is an AU version of Michael from one of my main stories.]

Name: Michael Belmont

Species: Human Gamma Mutate

Height: 6'2 

Height: 6'2 

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As Hulk

Height: 10'0


【Powers and Abilities】

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【Powers and Abilities】

 Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Michael was subjected to a recreated version of the Super Soldier Serum in an attempt to replicate the same results as the Original back in the 1900s but someone decided to sabotage the experiment and it ended up causing an accident which resulted in Michael transforming into the Hulk for the very first time. In addition, during times of stress the Hulk's adrenaline level escalates, causing a corresponding escalation of brute strength. Thus, the madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk becomes. The latter is a giant green-skinned humanoid with immense strength and is one of the most physically powerful beings on Earth.

 Transformation: After being exposed to gamma radiation, Michael is able to morph from his human form to his Hulk form. His skin turns green and hardens as his size and musculature becomes gigantic, with his eyes turning green as well. Unable to control the transformation, Michael would involuntarily transform into Hulk if his heart rate exceeded 200 beats per minute, usually caused by strong emotional responses like anger or stress. The transformation process is often physically excruciating and exhausting. 

Unlimited Strength: Hulk's primary power is his immense superhuman strength. While he normally possesses tremendous levels of superhuman strength, able to lift over 100 tons effortlessly, it increases the more he gets emotionally worked-up, making his strength potentially limitless. His incredible high-level of superhuman strength allows him to perform feats such as ripping apart steel, destroying vehicles with a single punch. Moreover, the Hulk's maximum strength output has also been consistently classified as power without defined limits. And the angrier he gets, the stronger he becomes. Making him the most physically strongest being on Earth. 

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