xlvi. she's got great aim!

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chapter forty six ━ put me in, coachseason eight, episode seven

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chapter forty six put me in, coach
season eight, episode seven

all of a sudden the ball
was out of my hand
and into, well, his.

The last thing Aliya would've expected to spend her Tuesday morning doing was playing softball with a bunch of other doctors.

But, the world worked in strange ways, and here she was, playing softball with a bunch of doctors.

However, when Hunt told everyone that they were going to be playing a game of friendly softball against Seattle Pres, that's when Aliya's competitive drive kicked in.

So, she didn't necessarily mind playing softball at six o'clock in the morning.

Now, in preparation, the Seattle Grace Mercy Wester's had been split into offence and defence teams.

Aliya was on the defence, but seeing as her and the Karev man couldn't go two seconds without either throwing that ball at each other or getting into a conversation where they forgot the ball actually even existed at, Owen was getting pretty annoyed at those two residents in particular.

"Levine! Offence! Now!" Hunt snapped his fingers at her (the audacity that man had), pointing over to where the rest of the batters were stood.

"What!" Aliya protested, holding her arms up in surrender from where she was stood out in the middle of the field, with Alex sprawled out on the floor next to her (not purposefully). "I'm not doing anything!"

"That's the problem!" Owen called back, and Aliya couldn't even argue with the point he was making, so she slipped off her glove and dragged her feet behind her as she crossed the baseball field.

Callie Torres held out the bat for Aliya to take, with a great big smile on her face (she was having way too much fun). "Wanna show us how's it done?"

The corner of her lips twitched up, breaking the scowl she had on her face for the past ten seconds of her walk of shame. So, she accepted the bat, all grudges against being moved to offensive team slipping away. "You betcha."

The brunette made her way to the marker, gripping the bat in her hands as Derek threw the ball up and down, preparing for his shot.

"You ready, Levine?" He questioned, swaying on the balls of his feet — the Shepherd man was also taking all of this very seriously.

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