ii. like a shot of tequila

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chapter two ━

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chapter two ...ready for it?
season six, episode ~

❝ all i can smell is
beer and regret. ❞

It was a well known fact throughout the hospital that Aliya Levine and Alex Karev got along like a house on fire. Even in their first year at Seattle Grace (intern year, otherwise known as the year of alcohol consumption, sleep deprivation, a syphilis outbreak and McNicknames), when Alex was a complete jackass to everyone — except her.

When all the other interns thought he was the worst human to have ever spawned on Earth, or in this case — the surgical floor — Aliya knew he wasn't all that bad, and in total honesty, he was the complete opposite.

Because, how could the worst person on Earth also be the person who cared for Aliya the most out of anyone in the world, in the whole hurt her and I'll physically murder you kind of way?

Which was why, for the past three nights, they had been going to Joe's bar, drinking beers and playing darts surprising well. Though, Aliya had been stealthily switching out Alex's beers to non-alcoholic ones when Alex had gone past his limit, which was pathetically low — the man had the worst alcohol tolerance.

Her plan for this week had been to let Alex wallow in the form of pretending the dart board was Izzie's face, and drinking away the pain in an unhealthy kind of way, before coaxing him back to reality with episodes of Desperate Housewives to give him the push he needed to get him out of the rut. And realise he deserved so much better than the woman who left him when things got hard.

All while Aliya would stay completely sober, ensuring her plan would go smoothly. 

It was a perfect strategy.

However, the previous night, Aliya had royally screwed herself over by forgetting her master plan by taking a sip of a beer after an extremely long day. It was the mergers fault. It was Mark's fault. And, Joe's free pity tequila that followed.

Which was why she was staring at the back of Alex's head where he had passed out on her rug at eight in the morning on an unassuming Thursday, with her phone jammed against her ear, listening to the person on the other end of the line.

Another piece of common knowledge was that Aliya wasn't a morning person until she had at least two cups of coffee in her system.

It was true. She should not be trusted to drive to work, operate on patients or a forklift until she had at least 150 milligrams of caffeine in her system, it was just the way the world worked — or how Aliya Levine worked ever since she was fifteen years old.

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