Chapter 8

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Once we were both out of tears, we agree to try and start the heeling process, for both our sakes. We had a mutual understanding that it would take time and that trust had to be rebuilt, on both sides.

After sitting peacefully in each other's company for a bit, I drive us to my house for the weekend. My parents were out of town on a business trip.

"At least let me help."

"Absolutely not, that would shatter my manly pride into a million pieces." I shoot her a sparkling smile. "Unless you're scared to try my cooking?"

"Of course, I'm not scared. But I could help with something, instead of just sitting here."

I can tell she's a bit lost at the idea of just sitting still.  I'm a bit lost as well. I never thought she would ever sit on that barstool again.

"Well, there's nothing. So that leaves you to sit in one place for more than five minutes while drinking a cold glass of lemonade." I make sure to drip enough sarcasm in my words so she would catch my humor. I turn the kitchen radio on and crank the volume. I pull her off the bar stool and spin her a few times to the music before plopping her back in her seat with laughter in her eyes.

"Since when do you know how to cook?"

"I've known how to cook for years, you're just finally getting a chance to see this wonderful side of me." I laugh at her expression.

"I don't remember you ever telling me that you know how to cook." She sniffed the air. "Or that you are good at it."

"We never got around to me cooking for you." I tell her sadly before focusing back on the stove.


I frown at his back. People can really surprise you I think to myself. Even when you think there's nothing left in the world to surprise you with. I can't help but  stare at him. I just can't peel my eyes away from the muscles that rippled across his back. The outline of his waist to his firm butt, the way he stands with his feet planted in a stance of strength, the way his hands expertly stir and add ingredients to the sauce.


I shake my head to clear out the thoughts. We literally just aired out our pain and agreed to move forward. I know where my thoughts are going, and I can't allow that. She had already fallen for him again. My panic quickly changes direction though.

I suddenly feel the air around me get thick and hard to breathe. I pinch myself in the arm to come to come back to my senses. It doesn't work. It's already too late. I feel my head get heavy and my vision start to haze over. I feel the room spin before my eyes.

"Zach! I'm going to pass out. I'm so sorry," I speak as loud as I can through my mouth that has gone dry.

My head starts pulsating as my vision starts to fade and I fall into the inescapable darkness. I fainting notice a feeling of arms catching me.


In the middle of my sentence, I turn around at her gasp and instantly drop the spoon I was using. Her words break through my shock. I scramble around the count and and almost don't get to her in time. I catch her right as her eyes close.

Too pale. I think to myself. She's to pale. I listen for her pulse and find it steadying out. I lift her up and carry her to my bed.

She'll be okay. I think to himself, she'll wake up any minute. A typical POTS episode only lasted a few minutes.

I leave her alone long enough to grab one of the medicine drinks Kayla recommended I stock up on out of the fridge and to turn the stove off. When I'm back at her side, I watch the clock and count the minutes. To wait the time out, I pull my phon out and give Kayla a call.

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