Chapter 9

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Monday morning rose with the sun shining bright and the smell of fresh cut grass in the air. Kayla had just picked me up for school and the drive was intriguing so far.

"So, you're telling me that you and Zach actually had an entire weekend together without any fighting?"

I bark out a laugh, "Kayla, you act like your surprised. Just admit that you helped plan the weekend."

"I might have provided a few ideas for Zach". Kayla shot a winning smile in my direction.

"So, are you guys hanging out anytime soon?" Kayla was now completely curious as to where things were escalating to.

"Yeah, he's picking me up after I get some stuff done at home after school. I think the plan is to go four-wheeling. I honestly can't wait; it's been so long since I've been out in the open air."

"Oh my gosh, that's so amazing! You have no idea how happy I am that the two of you are hanging out again. It's freed up a lot of my own time for things that have been going to the wayside." Kayla laughs and gives me a small shove on the shoulder as we walk across the school parking lot.

"Oh really, like what?" I'm laughing so hard my sides are starting to hurt.

"Like my French horn! I haven't practiced in forever!" We laugh until we can't breathe. That's how Zach and Brandon find us in the commons.

Brandon looks at Zach and back at us, "Looks like there's a funny joke we missed."

"Yeah, that's what it looks like." Zach gives Kayla a one arm hug as a greeting. "Hey Stella, I'll walk you over to class if you're ready."

"Yeah, sounds good, let me go get my backpack from my car really quick, and we can head over." I stand up and stretch. "Just give me a minute."

"No need. I spotted it on my way inside." He holds out my backpack. "Let's get going."


As a few months pass by us, I start to wonder how I ended up in one of the most awkward situations I thought possible. Zach and I had decided that it was the right time to let our parents know that we're getting back together. I know his parents hate me just as I know that my parents hate him.

The conversation of being intimate with one another again had come up a few times and we both agreed that we weren't going to be keeping things a secret this time around. Despite the difficulty of the conversations, I found myself sitting beside Zach on his parents couch across from his parents.

"No mom, it's not because she is pregnant!" That loud statement brought me back into the conversation.

"Whoa, no way!" I can't believe what I'm hearing. "Certain actions would need to occur for that to be a possibility." I mumble the rest quietly so only Zach could hear. He gives me a quick wink.

"Well, I see no reason for the two of you to entertain this as an option than." Zach's mom states in a very non-negotiable tone. "The pair of you are horrible influences on each other."

Zach rolls his eyes, "Mom it's not like we are really asking for your permission. Stella insisted we loop you guys in on what is going on so there isn't any sneaking around or lying."

"Well, isn't that a first." His mom stares directly into my eyes.

"That's it, Zach leave the room, I have some things I need to say to your parents." I'm so furious I want to spit.

He looks at his parents and back at me, "Are you sure?"

"Oh, I'm very sure."

"Okay, I'll step out onto the porch."

I wait for the door to close before I take a deep breath and start in. "I want to make some things clear, I have not, nor have I ever been a liar or a cheater. I do not plan on trapping your son by getting pregnant. That's just morally wrong on so many levels. I do not know if your son and I will last forever nor do I know if I want to marry your son in general."

"What I do know is that Zach and I really do have a great friendship, we really like each other, and at this moment in time we want to explore our relationship on a more intimate level. That doesn't mean things will get physical. So, like Zach very clearly put, we are not here to ask your permission, we are here to inform you of what is going on, because at the end of the day it's our lives and our choice." I'm standing by now and very much out of breath and angry. They had no reason to judge me or even their son for that matter because they really didn't know much about the situation.

"I am not asking for either of you two to like me, I am not asking either of you two to be around me, what I am asking you two for is to not make your son choose between us, because that would not be fair for anybody involved."

As I turn to grab my purse, I hear a deep sigh from behind me.

"Stella, please sit down." I turn to see his dad running his hands through his hair similarly to how Zach does when he's stressed.

"We know that the two of you mean a lot to each other. We aren't going to stand in your way. We just really don't want to see the two of you hurt again. That was hard watching the first time. A second time will probably be unbearable."

I nod in acknowledgement. "I understand where you're coming from. I promise I have no intention of hurting your son."

With that I grab my purse and walk out the door and nearly run right into Zach who was standing practically right outside the door eavesdropping.

"That was amazing," he didn't know what else to say, he himself was still in shock. Not even himself had ever stood up to his parents the way she just had.

"Well don't get used to it, because I'm still shaking from getting that pissed off." I want nothing more than to finish the evening off with dinner and going to bed so that tomorrow can be a fresh start.

"Well let me get the door for you so we can go do just that." He said as he opens the car door for me.


With Christmas break quickly approaching, my time started getting increasingly short. Between soccer, Carly, and now Zach, I find myself in the library more often trying to keep up with everything and not fall behind.

"There you are, I thought I would find you here." Zach slides into the chair across from me and places a muffin and a coffee in front of me. "Here, you need a snack. I think you missed lunch."

I glance at the clock and notice he's right; I didn't even hear the bell ring signaling that lunch had started. "Oh wow, I completely lost track of time. I'm sorry. I've been trying to get better at remembering to eat."
I pick up the muffin and begin to take bites. "This is amazing, where on earth did you find a muffin that tastes this good?"

"Oh, you know, just down the street at the gas station." He laughs at the look on my face as I polish it off and lick my fingers.

"I haven't had a chance to ask. Are you keeping up with classes?"

"I'm managing alright." I take off my glasses and rub my eyes. I had forgotten my contacts that morning which was starting to be an irritation. Leaning on my elbow I look over at him. "What about you?"

"I'm managing alright as well." He clears his throat and looks at me, "I think we need to talk."

In that moment, time stood still. The ice-cold stare I give him is probably unnecessary, but my internal alarm is going off.

"About what?"

"About what you want for Christmas." Pulling me in for a hug, he kisses the top of my head. "What else did you think?"

I relax in his embrace. He's talking about Christmas presents. I suddenly feel my stomach drop. I have no money to get any presents for anybody this year. Panic starts to set in. "Zach you don't have to get me anything. Really it's ok." I would feel awful if he manages a present and I can't.

"Well, that's not going to happen. I'm getting you a present. You've already given me the best gift this year. A second chance." He scoots out of the chair and leaves me a tad shell shocked sitting at the library table.

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