Chapter 19

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I don't have a lot of time to ask any further questions or to really digest this new piece of information. The doctor knocked twice before he comes in with a nurse behind him with a clipboard.

"Ms. Rose, you are recovering very nicely and your concussion is no longer at a critical stage." He explains as the nurse scribbles on some pages on her clipboard.

He goes on to explain what I already know. I'm being discharged. He goes on to explain I can't drive for two more weeks and that I should "keep it easy" for that same time period because that's how long it'll take for the concussion to go away.

Until then, if I experience foggy thoughts, slurred speech, feeling nauseous, dizzy, or off-balance to not worry. All of that is to be expected. Basically I shouldn't be alarmed if I couldn't do simple math right away. That'll go away, but I should be careful not to bump or hit my head on anything.

After Carly helps me get dressed she wheels me out to the front doors in the wheel chair that's required. I know I'm supposed to stay in the wheel chair, but I can't handle it. Irritation and tension sit like boulders in my gut. They aren't letting up no matter what I try to think to myself. I have pain killers but I can't take my next dose until I go to bed.

It sort of lifts my mood to see Zach, Kayla, and Brandon waiting by the car. Zach opens the door and holds my hand as I stand up and gingerly climb in. My legs are a little unsteady but nothing major. I nod my head at him and he closes the door.

"How are you doing? Really?" Kayla asks from the seat behind me.

"Just honestly tired." I reply back. I lean my head against the seat. I pretend not to notice the look Kayla and Brandon exchange.

Zach gets in the drivers seat and turns the key. It's this moment that I realize I have no idea where we are going.

"Where are we going?" I ask with my eyes still closed.

"Your dad got you and Carly hotel rooms at the hotel they are staying at. Did they tell you that?" Zach asks.

"Yeah, they told me. I suppose that's where you're taking me?" I let out a sigh.

"I gave my word that I'd take you there. It was the way they would agree to let us be the ones to help with your discharge papers. Carly's already there getting stuff set up."

"Okay. That's fine."

"You're not going to give us any trouble on this?" He asks me with a side look.

"Nope." I emphasize. "I just want to sleep."

He reaches over the center console to hold my hand. I intertwine our fingers. We sit in comfortable silence for the rest of the drive.


I've had enough. 

It's hour eight at the hotel. Carly had left me for the hotel's café in hour six. 

I grab my phone and sneak into the hallway. I dial Kayla's number and hiss once she answers, "Angela is driving me crazy."

Her laugh echoes through the phone. "She just wants to make sure you're okay. She doesn't know you all that well, so she's probably just overcompensating. You know that."

"She's constantly trying to make small talk and feed me hotel food. She's called room service four times. I'm seriously not in the mood for this. I can't even use my pain meds to take the edge off because she's counted them all and put them in a dispenser that's broken up into days of the week. I swear, Kayla, if you don't get me out of here, I'll break out."

She smothers some more laughter. "You know what she's like. Your dad and her are just worried. The attack has been traumatic to us all. I thought for a second you were gone. I'm sure your dad did too. Heck I know he did."

I hear Angela calling me inside the hotel room causing me to glance back. I let out a sigh. 

I'm not truly upset with her. I'm not really even upset with anyone. There are two truths though that have been ringing inside me all day, and I only want to acknowledge one. I want to see Zach. So I swallow my pride and ask, "Have you talked to Zach today?"

"Yeah." I can hear her grinning through the phone. "I was starting to wonder when you were going to ask."

I swear under my breath.

She gives a laugh back at me. "He told me he couldn't miss baseball practice, but asked if I thought he could see you tonight."

I groan into the phone. "My dad is going to be so embarrassing."

"Stella, he already was. He gave him the twenty question pop quiz in the hospital while you were still out. He won't care if Zach shows up at the hotel."

"That's not helping." I groan and press my fingers to my eyes. 

"Not trying to, but yes, he's asked. I told him he just needs to give you a call."

I grin. "Do you think Carly would be mad if I sneak out to see him?"

"Well." She pauses. "Maybe not, but she'd be jealous that you get to leave the hotel before she does."

"Let's tell her after I'm gone."

She chuckles. "Okay, I'll tell him you're game."

"I don't want him to come here."

"You want to go to his house?"


"I'll give you a ride then. After seeing the way he took care of you, he's a solid guy. I've always been on the fence about you guys, but he genuinely loves you."

I swallow the lump in my in my throat and blink back a few tears. "Thanks Kayla."

"Don't thank me. Do you realize how popular I am in school the last few days? People are using me to get to you. I feel like a damn celebrity." Her tone sobers. "You have a larger family then you think Stella. There's a lot of people that care about you and Carly and we're all going to take care of you guys."

The lump swells up in my throat so that I can't speak. I choke out, "Thanks." Before hanging up the phone because the tears aren't waiting. 

They fall free, and I'm still in the hallway when Angela opens the door. Her eyes rake up and down me, she sees my tears, and opens her arms wide. "Oh, Stella." She's not pretending to care. This isn't just a show for my dad. I hear the unconditional love, and decide to walk into them. 

I might've needed just Carly before, but this time, I find it in my heart to finally accept my step mom. 

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