Chapter 16

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"So, Proms next weekend." I balance my phone between my ear and my shoulder blade. Talking on the phone while cooking dinner is proving to be a difficult task.

"You know, I heard that somewhere."

I catch the humor in his voice over the phone.

"Well, should we finalize our plans?" I find myself grinning for the hundredth time this week. I toss some herbs into the soup and continue stirring.

"I'm thinking we can do an early dinner before heading to the dance. Would that be alright with you?"

"I love that." The soup scent starts waft throughout the kitchen making my mouth water.

"Do you know if Brandon and Kayla plan on joining us to make it a group thing?"

"Actually, I'm not sure. I'll text Kayla in a bit and find out."

I check the clock. I realize I'm quickly running out of time to get dinner finished and the mess cleaned up before a nuclear bomb goes off.

"Zach, I'm going to have to call you later. I need to get this done before my mother get's home from her meeting. She left specific instructions." I struggle to stay calm and keep my anxiety from leaking through.

"That's okay. Touch base later. Love you baby girl."

I grin. "Love you too."

I press the end button on the call and set my phone on the table out of the way. I turn my attention back to the soup and add a few more spices before turning the temp low for everything to simmer.

"Stella!" Carly comes bolting down the stairs in a panic.

"What's wrong?" I turn around just as she flys into the kitchen.

She's pale as a ghost and shaking like a leaf.

"Carly, what's wrong?" My own panic rising.

"Mom's almost home, and she's drunk." Carly hugs herself to keep herself together.

I swallow my panic and take a deep breath. I pul her into a hug.

"Are you sure? Who told you this?"

Carly shakes her head. "I can't tell you who. If mom found out they tipped me off she would fire them." She says between sobs.

I hold her at arm's length. "Carly, are you saying that someone at mom's work knows how she gets?"

"Yes, that's what I'm saying."

"Okay, that's good though isn't it?" I rub my hands up and down her arms to help soothe her. "That means someone's on our side?"

Carly shakes her head.

"No, Stella. They refuse to be any more involved than this. Believe me, I tried!"

My stomach did an involuntary lurch. Someone credible knows about the abuse and is choosing to do nothing.

I pull out of our embrace and step back. "Okay, here's what we are going to do. You're going to pack a bag and get out of here. Go stay with Stacy or another friend. Just get out here."

"What! No! I'm not leaving you here to deal with her alone while she's drunk! Are you crazy?" Carly cries out.

I close my eyes to steady myself. "Carly, you are my priority. I will not let you get hurt. Now go!" I shout at her.

She takes a step back. "Stella..."

"No! Get going now!"

Carly gives me a nod and shoots up the stairs towards her room.

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