1: Introductions

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Edit: typos

She sat doe-eyed in the bar, at a table by herself. The bar was placed in the most exclusive and rich casino in the galaxy. The Handsome Jackpot. A lone drink was on her table, which was half empty. Her metal hand played with the delicate glass, swirling the glass on the table as she waited. Her long chocolate hair covered the right side of her freckled face, which was badly scarred. She kept the gaze of her hazel eyes low, avoiding everyone near apart from the bartender which she was very familiar with.

A smile appeared on the bartender's white face, as the woman looked at her. The bartender, named Moxxi, then nodded, and a man wearing a yellow hood, and a brown jacket over it, sat with the woman. He seemed uneasy.
"You are... Lisa?" he almost whispered.
"Yes, and you must be?" Lisa asked.
While Moxxi told her of someone she had to meet, she never told Moxxi who it was or why. Only that they simply had to meet.

"Timothy, Timothy Lawrence," he muttered.
"Ah, so you're real," Lisa chuckled.
"I guess my fame precedes me," Timothy smirked, still covered his face with a yellow hood.
After staring at the hood, Lisa recognised the design. It was a generic Hyperion hoodie, which Lisa owned herself though it was much less yellow than Timothy's. She recalled rumours about a Timothy Lawrence, who was a body double of The Handsome Jack. But Lisa was never one to fully believe rumours, after all they said many things about Timothy.

"So," Lisa clears her throat after a moment of awkward silence, "what brings you here?"
"Well... Moxxi said I h-had to meet you," Timothy answered awkwardly. Lisa sensed he had no idea why he was sat with her.
"How odd, she said the same thing to me," Lisa raised a brow.
"Ah," Timothy answered plainly, "in that case I may know why."
"Go on?"
"Well... I don't mean to assume things but... Uh... Around a week ago she claimed she would... That she would... Well, set me up with someone," Timothy's voice was almost a whisper, as if he didn't want to say anything that he was saying. If it weren't for his hood, Lisa would definitely see his red cheeks.

"Right, well that's something," Lisa chuckled as she finished the remainder of her drink. She then slammed the glass on the table, though the glass wasn't as delicate as she thought. It made a loud clang.
"So tell me dear Timmy, how are you doing?" She teased.
"This isn't a good idea," Timothy answered in a low voice.
"Oh? Why the hell not! I'm tired of fixing those machines for Mox, I need a break," Lisa grumbled.

Ever since Moxxi took over The Handsome Jackpot, she invited her good friend Lisa, who was an excellent engineer. Afterall, she worked with the best, Hyperion.

"This is why," Timothy cried as he took his hood down. His hood revealed a cracked mask resembling a chiselled jaw, cheeks and... It was Handsome Jack's face. While she knew who Timothy once worked for, seeing a face that looked like Handsome Jack reminded her of the past... An unfortunate past.

But seeing the pain in his mismatched eyes, how differently he brushed his hazel hair, she knew it wasn't Jack. Jack was dead, he couldn't hurt her anymore.

"Tim-" She started, as Tim stood up and suddenly left.

She didn't chase after him, though she wanted to. What would she say to a stranger who clearly didn't want to see her? Lisa felt foolish, she should have seen it coming. She remembered that Moxxi tried setting her up before, but Lisa assumed Moxxi gave up.

Instead of returning to her apartment, she sat on top of a small roof which was near the bar. Lisa stared at the stars, which were visible through the space station's glass and forcefields. Even though she loved Moxxi dearly, she wanted to leave. She missed natural gravity, the wind, the sea, being on a planet. 

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