3: Nice to finally meet you

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Above is a picture of past Lisa while she was working for Hyperion. Made with picrew.

Sorry that these chapters are a bit bad, but it's been a while since I wrote something... anything

In October I'm going to get a commission done with Lisa and Timtim, so it'll be the new cover. For now we have to do with the Moxxi heist picture as a placeholder.

A knock.

It startled Lisa.

The door opened and a familiar figure entered, Timothy. 

"H-hey. Uh, Moxxi assigned me temporarily here... To help," he said quietly. He was wearing the same yellow hoodie as Lisa, just less worn out. Timothy crossed his brows when he noticed the Hyperion symbol on her hoodie, but made no comment.
"I see," Lisa asked coldly, "not gonna run off again?"
"I... Uh," Timothy stammered as he scratched the back of his head.
"I'm joking, it's good to see you," she smiled. 

"I... I'm sorry for... Yesterday... Can we start over?" Timothy muttered as he walked closer to the workbench where Lisa was standing.
"I'm Lisa. Nice to finally meet you," she smiled as she moved her left metal arm to a handshake.
"I'm Timothy, Timothy Lawrence," he smiled back, as he shook her hand. When they shook hands, they both realized they had a metal hand. 

When Lisa saw Timothy looking at her hand, she pulled away and coughed.
"I hear you're good at programming?"
"Yes, I'm the very best sugar plum... Fuck sake. I'm s-sorry that was- that was the Jack DNA..." Timothy started confidently. When Lisa heard the word "sugar plum", it made her shudder.  Giving Timothy a sympathetic nod, she remained silent.

She opened the service bot that was on the workbench in front of her, pulling out it's core. Gently, she passed it to Timothy and smirked.
"Make this baby less of a bitch."


For the remainder of the day, Lisa and Timothy were busy in their work. While Timothy was attempting to reprogram the service bot, Lisa worked on fixing what was done to it. It was badly vandalized, with graffiti populating its tin body, sharp objects inserted into the body, as well as ripped limbs.

There was a small amount of people in the workshop, and they all kept to themselves with the occasional small talk. Few were helping Timothy, but also fewer were fixing the bots. 

Lisa was amazed that the customers managed to keep damaging these service bots, without being found or punished. Or perhaps they simply paid their bail and found hunting these bots as a sport. It was a while since Lisa looked at the new attractions in Moxxi's casino, so bot hunting was a possibility. It was definitely something Lisa would bring up next time she saw Moxxi. 

"You know Lisa, there's something about you... I don't know, you seem so familiar," Timothy said as he looked away from his monitor. 
"You know Tim, I can say the same about you," Lisa snickered. Timothy shudder to her response, but didn't give up.
"Did you work at Hyperion?"
"Did my employee hoodie give that away?" Lisa laughed.

"A little," Timothy smiled.
"I don't know you well enough to tell you such stories," Lisa teased.
"What a shame, considering you know so much about me."
"Do I now? Guess I wasn't even aware," Lisa chuckled, "alright fine. Yes I did work at Hyperion."
"I knew it."
"Well it wasn't a hard guess, but here's a challenge for you... Who was I?" She smirked. 

Timothy began itching the back of his head as Lisa asked the question. Seeing him unsure made her smile, she didn't expect him to remember who she was. She did see him a few times when working for Hyperion, but knew not to tell Timothy (who at the time acted as Jack) that she knew who he was. After all, technically there was no normal way for her to know. At least not through Jack, and if her boss didn't tell her, how would she explain knowing. 

"How about a little hint, whenever you were at Hyperion you would have seen me there... Every-time," she smiled. It was a badly worded clue, but a big one nevertheless. 
"Were you Jack's secretary?" Timothy asked with uncertanty. Jack had so many secretaries in the past that it would have been hard to remember every girl's name. 

"That I was," she smiled.
"Oh... Yes, that's it. You had glasses then, if I'm not mistaken?"
"Yeah," her voice became quieter.


She put her glasses on, after wiping them down with a Hyperion branded cloth. Lisa looked tired, but also eager to work. It was a big day, rumours of the Vault Hunters almost getting destroyed made almost all at Hyperion excited. But it wasn't a victory at all, they weren't destroyed. All that happened was they moved into a different place due to the siren Lilith's power. Neither side won or lost this battle, and the war was running out of time.

Lisa found siren's fascinating, there was so little she knew about them. Jack never let her know too much, instead she planned his schedule and did some minimal help. She wasn't much of a personal assistant, more like a secretary. This hurt her pride, but she had to sit tight. Otherwise how would she pay back her debt.

Since Handsome Jack seemed to like Lisa's glasses, she made sure to always carry a spare pair in case she lost the other. While kissing her bosses ass wasn't the best way to continue her job, it was the only way she saw a way out of her personal hell. 

As she sat, waiting for her boss to send her a message for another pretzel or coffee, her echo beeped. She expected it to be Jack, threatening to gut her again, or asking for more food. To her surprise it was a message from an anonymous source, with the words "Don't you want to escape?"

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