The end is near, I'm sorry

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Akira P.O.V

It only have been about a day since he ask me that but i didn't answer because its wrong to do that to master. So Gil gave me a couple days for my answer. To choose to help him or Master


I look at Gil both shocked and confused. Why would he ask me that kind of question?

" Why would you think of that?"

Gilgamesh: Because he bored me, unlike his apprentice he could make things more interesting

" But what about the pack? Are you willing to betray master for being boring?"

Gilgamesh: You know i am right Akira and you know that he was responsible for him giving Sakura up

I know what he mean by that. I ask Tokiomi about his daughters and he said he had to give her away because she could be a heir to the Matous to use magecraft.

" I know why he did that but that is not the reason why i should betray him"

Gilgamesh: So are you with me or against me?

" That's not fair Gil as much as i would like to help you till the end of this war and all but have to help master too"

Why is this happening upon me? Why did Gil change? This isn't the Gil i know, Damn you Kirei you are going to answer alot of questions when i see you again

Gilgamesh: You have a couple days to decide and when that's up meet me back here at the bridge

All i did was nod and he left back to the church if i am correct. Why does this have to be complicated

Flashback ends

Right now i am reading Sakura a bed time story because the time is 9:00. I have to meet Gil at 10:00 But to tell the truth I'm scared not for myself but for Sakura

Sakura: Are you alright dad?

" Yeah I'm fine why you ask?"

Sakura: It's because your crying

I felt my face to feel the tears fall from my eyes down my face. Is this how it's going to turn out? Making a decision to keep Sakura safe.

" I'm sorry"

Sakura: Dad?

I hold Sakura while i was crying. The end is near and i have a feeling that i won't make it. Sakura hugged me telling me something that could make me cry even more.

Sakura: It's ok dad, there's no need for you to be sad because I'm here for you, like you were there for me

I look at her while she gave me a smiled. I couldn't help but smile back a bit. Her smile is just so adorable to be sad about and to my surprise it is actually making me stop crying

" Thank you Sakura, i really need that"

Sakura: Your welcome dad

Sakura then yawn like a little kitten, its so cute

" Time for bed Sakura"

I picked her up and took her to her room to place her in bed

" Goodnight Sakura"

Sakura: Goodnight dad

I kissed her forehead before i left her room. I checked the time to see it is 9:25 so i left to meet Gil, i hope it turns out well

(Time skip brought to you by Chibi Akira crying over spilled wine while Chibi Gilgamesh try to cheer him up)

I made it by the bridged and at the end of it was Gilgamesh standing there with his arms cross. I know my answer and hope for the best of this out come.

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