Drinking with the kings and asking Saber out

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Akira P.O.V

Me and my brother Gil started walking to the location but at the same time it feels like we are being follow but i just shrugged it off.

Gilgamesh: We are here

Saber P.O.V

Rider showed up at the mansion so we headed into the garden so we could talk

Rider: The grail is said to be fitted for the hands of the most worthy to possess it, and the epic battle taking place here fuyuki will determine exactly who that person is and if it's simply a means to decide that fact there's hardly a need for bloodshed. After all if the heroic spirits can agree on our rankings, then the matter can simply settle itself.

He gave me the topbathy with wine in it so i drank it and gave it back to him

Rider: Oh

"Then i would assume you wish to compare your rank against my own Rider"

Rider: Indeed i do as the one who also claims the title of king you cannot confuse this opportunity, you might consider this a grail dialogue rather than a grail war and the matter of who among us is most suited to claim the holy grail, will become clear to us as we drink our fill and converse

I looked at him thinking about what he said about the holy grail. The one who is suited to get the grail will be the Victor here however that doesn't mean that the other's will be on board too.

???: I believe that is quite enough the nonsense you mongrels

I looked to my left and saw the figure appeared and it turns out to be Archer

"What are you doing here Archer?"

Rider: Ah yes well i saw him in town so i thought i might as well invite him to our little gathering, you're a little late don't you think goldie though it stands to reason since you traveled by foot unlike myself.

Archer: You actually chose to hold a meeting of kings in a depressing place like this? How will you recompense me for the rudeness of calling me and my brother here

???: I actually like the garden it seems nice especially at night time

I looked behind him and saw Aki looking at the flowers

Aki: Then again the color white would look good on any other object like a suit or dress, flowers, a house, you name it.

Rider: So you decided to come then uhh

Aki: For now just call me Aki

Rider: Right then welcome Aki

He then looked at my direction and smiled and started to come this way. Am i blushing again, What should i do?

Akira P.O.V

I saw Saber so i smile at her and started walking towards her i sit down next to her but not to closed but with the distance of 5 feet about from each other.

Rider: Archer why don't you just relax yourself here start with a little drink

Saber seems uncomfortable because of my brother so i put my hand on her shoulder and she seems to flinched but i gave her a reassuring smile, she seemed to calm down and smiled back. I couldn't help but blush because seeing her smile, it is the most beautiful thing i have ever saw. It's like looking at the goddess in front of me. Rider then gave the topbathy to my brother to drink.

Archer: What is this disgusting swell you really thought we could discern a hierarchy of heroic spirits with this

I pulled out my topbathy and drink some of the wine from the barrel

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