My Wish? The Date Continues

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Akira P.O.V

When Saber asked me what my wish would be i froze in place. My wish? What is my wish? I never really thought about it, even if i did get the holy grail.

" I don't know"

Saber looked at me confused

Saber: You don't know what your wish is?

" I really never thought of it, nor let alone what i would have wish for"

I continued to drink my tea while thinking, what would be my wish?

Saber: I thought you already had a wish if you win the holy grail war?

" As much as i would like to agree with you on that one i just don't, i never really thought of wish to satisfy my purpose as a servant.

Saber looked at me with a mix of confused and worried. But why would she be worried? I understand it's not normal for a servant to not have a wish they thought of but it's just that i never really need anything in my life, i had most of everything while i was alive, but i do remember i did not have everything, i was missing one thing, but what was it? I guess it is time to find that missing piece.

" It's ok Saber i may not have a wish but now i will find my wish during the holy grail war before it's over, even if i don't win i would be happy enough to find what i would wish for

Saber looks at me with a smile, a smile that i find beautiful. Looks like i am done with my tea, oh well Saber is done as well so now onto the next place.

" Are you ready go Saber?"

Saber: Yes i am Aki but where are we going?

" To another place that i like, but you might like it too"

I made sure to pay for the tea and left a tip because the tea was so good. Me and Saber started to another place that would be perfect for a date like this. While we were walking i glance at Saber and she kept glancing at my hand, i am going to enjoy this.

Saber P.O.V

While i was walking with Aki i kept on thinking on what he said. He doesn't have a wish? But i thought most servants have one when they are in the holy grail war. But i guess it does make sense because he is a extra servant to this war so that means he was not expecting to get summoned as the eighth servant. I should not think about this but focus on this date with Aki. I kept glancing at his hand multiple times wondering if he would be alright if we hold hands. While i was thinking i felt something warm holding my hands snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up and found my hand holding Aki hand, i couldn't help but blush a bit because of this.

Aki: What happen Saber? Your face seems to be red, are you sick?

He said in his teasingly voice. That's not fair that's cheating

" B- baka"

Aki just laugh a little bit while we continued our walk. I couldn't help but laugh a little as well.

( Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Akira flirting with Chibi Saber while Chibi Irisviel is taking pictures of them)

We were able to go where Aki was taking me for our date till we made it to the place known as the mall and we stopped in front of a place with a lot games

Aki: We are here

" What is this place Aki?"

Aki: This right here Saber is another place i like to come to which is called the arcade

Aki: This right here Saber is another place i like to come to which is called the arcade

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