Fighting Caster Again Pt. 2

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Akira P.O.V

I was covering for Saber while she was dealing with the tentacles coming out of the water. They just keep regenerating at a fast rate every time they are hit

"They just keep coming"

I shot the tentacle coming behind Saber. Saber looked behind her and smiled at me then went back to attacking again.

" At this rate we have to fall back and think of a plan. Saber, Rider let's go back to the shore!"

They both nodded and proceed to fall back while i still provided cover. We got back to the sure to come up with the plan.

Lancer: So that thing could regenerate, this is going to be harder then i thought

I tired to come up with a plan till one thing came to my mind

"Rider how long can you use your reality marble?"

Rider: For a while, why are you asking?

" I have a plan but it requires your Noble Phantasm"

Rider: Ok i will try but you have to make it quick, with this thing i do know how long my reality marble can last

I nodded my head, so we only get one shot at this. Rider left his master here while he goes and use his Noble Phantasm

Lancer: So what kind of plan do you have?

" It's a one shot plan so I'll need you and Saber to be part of it"

Saber and Lancer both nodded, It's time to finish this Caster

(Time Skip brought to you by Chibi Akira Scolding Chibi Gilgamesh about taping Chibi Sakura to the wall)

Ok now that everybody is in place it's time to set it in motion

" Weaver tell Rider we are ready"

Weaver nodded and told one of Rider's soldier that Rider could stop. It took about a couple minutes but we saw Caster and Rider appear by the bridged again

" Alright Lancer your up"

Lancer P.O.V

"How did i get myself in this position"

I am standing on top of the Bridge above Caster.

"Alright it's now or never"

I jumped off the bridge but at the same time pulled out a potion

I jumped off the bridge but at the same time pulled out a potion

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I then drank it and my weapons glow like fire covering it.

" Now this is what i am talking about"

I slash Caster monster on top of the it's head but this time it didn't regenerate like it did before but instead started to melt a bit

"Man Aki wasn't kidding about this potion"

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