Goodbye Dad, I will make you proud (epilogue)

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Sakura P.O.V

I woke up but not in the pit but in a bed. Whose bed is this? I checked outside to see it daytime so i left the room to see a guy in a black suit and a boy around my age with red hair and amber eyes wearing a brown jacket with blue jeans

 Whose bed is this? I checked outside to see it daytime so i left the room to see a guy in a black suit and a boy around my age with red hair and amber eyes wearing a brown jacket with blue jeans

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???: Who are you?

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???: Who are you?

" My name is Sakura and have you seen my dad?"

The guy looks shocked for a second but went back to his neutral face

???: Your Dad is.... Over seas right now and he won't be back till he is finish with his work

I was both shock and sad he left me. He promise he would be here but he is not, i felt something around my neck to see a neckless

 He promise he would be here but he is not, i felt something around my neck to see a neckless

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I look at it till i saw a back side with a note on it. I ask the man if he can read it to me and he said yes

???: Dear Sakura if you found this letter on the neckless i might be somewhere far away and won't be back after a while so i left you my neckless to remember me by i am sorry if i am not there with you but i want to let you know that i love you with all of my heart and hope you will always find happiness

Sincerely Your Dad

P.S Goodbye my little butterfly

I started to cry, my Dad my hero is gone but he will always be remembered in my heart. I looked at my neckless knowing he wouldn't want me to be sad but happy

???: I have a question for you?

I look at the man

???: You have a choice is that you want to go to the orphanage or you could stay here with your father's friend?

I looked at the man then at the boy, maybe this is what dad is talking about to find happiness

" I want to be part of your family"

The man smile and the boy did too

???: Great then welcome to the family Sakura my name is kiritsugu Emiya

???: And my name is Shirou Emiya

The red head said. I am happy that i found some people to take care of me and know i am in good hands, don't worry dad i would make you proud, hope you come back soon

( Hello everyone it's me your Author i just wanted to make this so you all know what will be happening to Sakura, also i wanted to say is wow i don't know what to say really but i am glad you guys like reading my book and don't worry about Akira he will make it back in the next book i am working on so Thank you guys so much so see y'all around and have a wonderful day)

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