Meeting the Beauty and fighting the Beast Pt 2

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Akira P.O.V

So i charged at berserker with my favorite weapon Enki, it was a short named after my best friend Enkidu, i name my weapon after him so i could remember all the time we have spend with me and my brother.

(Play music at 0:20)

Berserker went to strike me from my right side but luckily i manage to dodge it but he throw a punch that went straight to my face but i caught it with left hand and pushed him backed so i can get space. Before he had time to react i went straight to his his left and try to cut him but he saw this coming and react with his fast instincts. So i went to strike him again but this time to his right are, he seems to noticed this but little did he know i have a surprise for him. Right when he block the hit with his sword i open one of my gates and pull out my other sword known as Asiku and push him back and with my speed i was able to make him turn around as fast as i can .

 Right when he block the hit with his sword i open one of my gates and pull out my other sword known as Asiku and push him back and with my speed i was able to make him turn around as fast as i can

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'Nows my chance' i said in my head

Right when i turn him around i manage to get multiply hits as hard as i can thanks to my STR A+.

Berserker: Aaaahhhhhh

He scream in pain, perfect time to strike. So i went to him in the front and started to hit him as many times as before but this time faster before he could recover. As i was going to hit him again he grab my weapon with his right hand and punch me in the stomach with his left hand, making me spit up blood and saliva. Then he grab me by the neck with his left hand and slamming me into the floor as hard as he could multiple times.

'Damn damn it i have no choice' i thought as i open one of my gates and fire a weapon at his left side to distract him. As much as i do like a fair fight i can't lose here not now, not ever. He managed to look behind him and caught my weapon but while he was distracted i got up as fast and upper cut him. Then before he could recover i land a lot of hits on his chest before he went as far as he could to recover.

(Stop music here)

'Damn he does not know when to quit does he to be honest i am getting excited' i thought as i was coming up with the plan to distract him because the same trick won't work again, but then i heard lancer master talk

Master of lancer: lancer with my command seal i order you to help berserker fight saber and the other servant.

" Hey you can not interfere with my battle!" I said but then i Dodge a red spear that had almost hit my face.

Lancer: I am sorry

Lancer said in his sad tone, I knew it, lancer wants to have the same thing as i do, to have an honorable fight.

"Its fine maybe i could do a two vs one Fight so bring it on" i said with excitement.

???: Not without me

I turn to the voice and it was saber voice.

"But you are hurt, you are in no condition to fight" i said to her

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