Talking about master and meeting up with saber

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Akira P.O.V

I gave saber my nickname that my brother gave me. In return i gave him one as well, his nickname is Gil and to be honest i like it but the only time i get to call him that is when the others are not around besides Enkidu. Even Enkidu like the nickname that i gave him. I called Enkidu Enki, just like the weapon i name after him.

"Since that i couldn't give you my full name but my nickname, i know you can't tell me your name because of the war but for now i will just call you saber" I said to

Saber: thank you Aki.

I smiled, to be honest i am glad she doesn't see me as an enemy but almost as an Ally.

"Well i have to go but i will see you around when we are not fighting each other" I said then i left to go back to the house. My brother is going to flip when he sees me.

Saber P.O.V

I was hopping that he could stay around a little longer but he had to go. To be honest i do hope i get to see him again.

Rider: He seems so polite then the other servant that defeated assassin but they look similar to each other they could be related then that could explain that he could do the same thing like the one who defeated assassin.

Rider said, but to be honest they do look like they could be related to each other, The only difference is that they have different hair style.

Rider: Then we will be off then but we will have king meet up so we could drink. With that he left with his master. I turn around and saw Irisviel
Smiling at me.

"Is there a reason you look happy Irisviel?" I ask her but what she said next was unexpected.

Irisviel: You like him don't you

I started to blush, i mean he does look handsome, polite, and caring w-wait why am i thinking of this.

"W-Wait i don't like him, i do not know what you are talking about Irisviel." I said trying my hardest to not blush at this embarrassing moment.

Irisviel: But you are blushing are you not. She said while smiling. Come on this is not fair

"Ok i will admit it i do like him" i said while blushing, I wonder if he likes me too.

Akira P.O.V

Gilgamesh:Why do you have to go on and do something stupid Akira.

"I wanted to help because it was unfair that saber left hand is curse so she won't be able to fight back" i said while looking at him. Gilgamesh just sigh and went to sit at the couch.

"Besides i did manage to find a couple of details especially on berserker master." I said hoping to get Gilgamesh interest and it works, i knew it.

Gilgamesh: what have you discover Akira?

"From what i know is that the master of berserker is weak so they will have a hard time to control him. Berserker will not be able to not go all out because of this but he could still put up a fight." I said looking at him

Gilgamesh: So you are telling me that i was going against a weak servant that still managed to keep up with me. I could tell by his voice with the hint of surprise and anger. To be honest i can not blame him,  berserker is just something else even when we were fighting he still kept up with the battle but he can be stubborn that he gets carried away. Anyway right now we are under the church right now drinking some wine to be honest the wine is good but i had better, Then Kirei showed up.

Kirei: Archer and Akira?!

Gilgamesh: There are far fewer bottles here than at Tokiomi's room but higher quality, i must say that some apprentice he has.

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