Caster is out for now and adopting a child!?

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Akira P.O.V

Me and saber both rush at the weird starfish that are the size of people, That's the last time i am going swimming in the ocean. We started slashing at them but every time we do they just regenerate in a matter of seconds.

"Damn it they won't stay down" i said

Saber: They have regeneration magic so taking them down won't easy.

This is nuts but i delt with worse maybe we need something that can cancel magic or someone. That was when we were getting overwhelmed by the creatures.

Caster: Yes i finally have you my dear jeanne but for you, you are going to die

He said looking at me and now i think about it his eyes are huge. But i need a plan, so i am going to have to use my Noble Phantasm. But right before i do i see a yellow lance hitting the thing and killing it.

???:Just on time

I look to my right and saw lancer

"Hey lancer glad for you to join the party but sadly we have no drinks" i said

Lancer: Glad i could make it but for now lets defeat caster. He said when i help saber.

Saber: Thanks, but what is the plan to fight this things.

I was looking around till i noticed the book caster has,'That's it the book he has contains the spells he casted if i were to destroyed it it would give us an helping hand in this battle' I thought to my self.

"Saber, Lancer i figured it out its the book he has if we were to destroy that book we could overcome him" I said

Lancer: Ok that's good to hear but how do we get near him?

"I want you guys to cover me so i can have a clear path to destroy the book"

Both: Right!

So all three of us was running towards caster. While saber and lancer was protecting me i manage to run as fast as i can and slash his book in half.

Caster: MY BOOK!!

He shouted but before he could react i punch him on his left cheek. He flew back and hit the tree hard breaking it.

"Sorry but you were right open" I said but before any thing else could happen the smoke came out of nowhere and by the time it cool down he was gone.

"Damn it he got away" i said

Lancer: Its fine without that book he can't really do much now

Saber: Agreed now he can't fight fully to his advantage but still he is just going to kill some more people

Now hearing that makes my boils, i wanted to kill him, make him pay for his crimes that he had committed. I know i am a servant but that does not mean i do not care about others.

"Yeah that is pretty good now that you think about it" i said

Lancer: i must go now i have to get my master before he dies

Then he left just leaving me and saber by ourselves. I would ask her something but i sense someone but there are three of them and i recognized one of them as Kirei. Damn it why is he out here?

Saber: I must go my master needs me
She said

"It's ok right now your master needs you" i said.  She smiled then left to find her master. Oh well time to head to master home before i could go to my house. After being summoned here i decided to buy a house so i could have some time to myself. I offer Gil to stay with me but he said that he wants to relax where he was at which is the bottomed of the church, Time to leave.

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