○Chapter 2○

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                         Sooah awoke to the blaring chimes of bells that filled the morning air, she finally awoke from her deep slumber rubbing her eyes as they adjusted to the white morning light. Pressing the snooze button of her alarm she got herself out of bed and tranced lazily towards the bathroom.

Unclothing her self she hoped into the shower and felt the warm water pour down her back easying her mind and muscles fully waking her up from her full night sleep which was not often got.

Wrapping a towel around her slim pale body she left the bathroom after brushing her teeth and her self scented like strawberry, The girl entered the cool atmosphere of her room once again as she rummaged through her closet taking out her school uniform and slipping each piece on bit by bit.

Finally grabbing her bag at the entrance of her room she pushed down her door handle closing the door and headed down the spiral of stairs.

The said girl walked into the kitchen, freely, knowing her parents were out at work and she could eat breakfast in  peace with no unnecessary disturbance.

She munched on a piece of toast topped with avocado, salt and pepper and she chugged down her orange juice.

The sun stood high in the sky with clouds freely floating around.
It was nice out today. The last month of fall was slowly passing as the air grew colder. Winter was forming closer and closer by the day and so was sooah's graduation.

Finally filling the sink with the dishes she grabbed her coat that hung on the coat hanger by the door and wrapped it around her body.

Stepping out of the house she was hit by the cool breeze causing her a shiver to run along her spine as she locked her house door and slipped the key under a flower pot by her porch.

The glum girl slipped in her pair of earphones on and shoved her phone back into her coat pocket as she started her walk to school glancing at the bright entrancing sky from time to time.

Cars passed by her with a gush of wind while she walked on the side walk kicking stray rocks mindlessly from time to time.

The said girls walk continued for several minutes more until she was at the entrance of her school.

Students chattered around her constantly, some running to greet their friends.

It was the same for Sooah but in her case Hyeri ran upto her and jumped on the said girls back. Hyeri wore a warm big grin across her face.

Removing the earphones from sooah's ears she greeted her friend.

"Good morning, you seem a little brighter today" Hyeri said

"Hm? Do I? Maybe i do, anyways where are we meeting up on Tuesday?" Sooah asked her friend while arranging her earphones back in her pocket.

"Let's go to my house so we can study for finals" Hyeri replied. "And after exams we will have another month and a half to prepare" hyeri continued.

"Prepare?" Asked sooah looking down at the stairs as they both climbed to their class room.

"The audition, JYP'S audition, as much as you may try to deny it both of us know that you want to try out" Hyeri said in a teasing voice poking the side of sooah's arm.

"Okay okay let's do it then" the said girl agreed knowing her friend wouldnt let her off easily.

And plus wheres the harm in trying out?

"Great but first we need to not fail our exams"


The last bell for school rang as all of the students sprang from out their desks and left the classrooms.

Sooah packed her books neatly in her bag and left the now emptying classrooms.

Walking through the hallways and past the school gate sooah trailed along the pavement heading towards a nearby cafe.

She liked studying outside of home since she would be able to concentrate better and also be able to study longer.

After several minutes she reached the entrance to the cafe and pushed the poor open as she was welcomed by a guest of fresh sweet air.

Placing her order and paying for her iced Americano that she ordered at the cashier she climbed the stairs and headed to her favourite spot.

It was on the second floor near a window. She loved looking out when ever she was thinking or was solving a question in her head, it would help her concentrate.

Sitting down in her cushioned chair the said girl took out all of her study material pacing them neatly on the wood coffee table.

Her fingers lightly trailed the cover of her textbook as she read 'Mathematics'. She pulled her pen out of her black pencil case and opened her textbook as she started to solve the questions before her.

Neatly writing the formulae and calculation in a book of fresh new paper.

Occasionally she took a sip of her Americano, switching from Mathematics to English Literature.

One of her favourite subjects, as she read the poems and short dramas, each and every word reminiscing meaning in her head, she was fully absorbed in the short story that was unravelling itself in her head.

Underlining important messages, fingers trailing over each line and word occasionally stopping at the exaggerations and metaphors she absorbed everything.

Until she took the last sip of her drink.

Glancing outside the sun was beginning to set, resulting in the once blue sky to turn into a beautiful shade of orange, litering its bright colour onto every inch of the sky.

Sooah started to pack her things into her bag and left the cafe.

Walking along the pavement as short gushes of wind blew over as the cars drove by, the said girl occassionally glanced at the sky watching it turn darker and darker by the minute.

It amuses her how the once blue sky could go black and turn into a pit of nothingness in a matter of minutes.
Somehow it comforted her.

Arriving home she noticed her mother's car parked out side indicating her mother's presence.

Sooah knew her father was on a sudden buisness trip since that was what had sparked the argument between her parents the other day.

Entering her home she was welcomed with warm air as she closed and locked her door behind her.

The said girl Climbed the stairs and trailed down the hallway that lead to her room.

Turning on her warm white lights she flopped on her bed and let out a deep sigh.

The whole day she had a sense of anxiety, or more precisely ever since she agreed to audition with Hyeri.

Sooah didnt know anything about idol auditions, so along with the stress of exams she was dying inside at not knowing anything about the audition.

'Where it will be held, how many people will participate, Am I really good enough to participate, what if something goes wrong and I make a fool out of my self' questions kept flooding into her mind, and what made it worse was that she didnt know what would happen since there was no defineat answer.

She lay in her bed for some time going over the possibilities and overthinking every single little detail until she grew tired of the anxious feeling burying it self in her stomach, she finally got up and went to take a long warm shower to drown out her thoughts as her brain self sabotaged.

As the warm water trailed down her back she thought "This same routine will continue for some time until I get tired of it, let's just hope I get through it."

And with that she turned the water off and snapped back to the harsh reality of the Being unsure what was to come, was it the light at the end of the tunnel that awaited her? Or a pitch black dead end with no escape?

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