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Chapter 36 ✦ Inquiry

There are more spicy, saucy moments in this chapter - in fact, it's safe to say that there will be a touch of smut in pretty much every remaining chapter - these two characters are very sensual creatures ;)

There are more spicy, saucy moments in this chapter - in fact, it's safe to say that there will be a touch of smut in pretty much every remaining chapter - these two characters are very sensual creatures ;)

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The next day, Charles was having his usual early-morning breakfast when Corrine approached his table. She looked around furtively to make sure no one else was watching, then pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you," she whispered in his ear.

His face turned red to the roots of his hair. "What for?" he managed to get out.

"For talking some sense into him," she said.

"How do you know I-"

"I just know," she smiled. She took a small step back, and he studied her. Despite the fact that she couldn't have gotten much sleep the previous night, she was positively radiant, glowing bright as the sun. He had never seen her smile like that before, and it transformed her, turning her already beautiful face ethereal. She blew him another kiss before walking to the next table.

Lucky bastard, he thought, staring after her.

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Albert Chaffee watched his newest hire float around the dining room in bemused admiration. He thought he'd be disappointed when her melancholy air lifted, as it had attracted such notice - and so many sympathetic male gazes. But her abrupt change in mood had somehow made her even more appealing to the male customers. Luckily, she was unaware of their attention, he noted with approval. But he was sure that if she kept flashing that dazzling smile at everyone, she would have numerous marriage proposals - including, if he were reading things right, from half of Titanic's surviving officers.

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Katie blew into the restaurant at noon.

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Corr, where were you last night? I've been worried sick ever since you didn't come home-" She stopped, and looked at Corrine closely. "Why, you... you shagged him, didn't you?" she asked slowly, comprehension dawning on her face.

Corrine blushed, smiled, and studied her shoes.

Katie threw her arms around her friend and squealed, attracting the attention of some nearby patrons, who rolled their eyes condescendingly. Katie couldn't care less.

"How do you know?" Corrine asked her.

"I just know," Katie drawled. "I s'pose you'll be staying with him now?" she asked keenly.

"I... I think- I hope so," Corrine said uncertainly.

"I have no doubt, love. He'd be daft to give you up again. He's head over heels for you, Corr - always has been."

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