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Chapter 8 ✦ Hooley

Corrine examined herself critically in the small mirror that hung above the sink in their stateroom, and decided she liked what she saw

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Corrine examined herself critically in the small mirror that hung above the sink in their stateroom, and decided she liked what she saw.

She had waited nearly an hour and a half in the queue for a bath, but it had been worth it. Her hair had been freshly washed, and now dry, it fell in shining waves down her back. She had put on the pretty cornflower-blue dress she had made specifically for the trip, and it flattered her voluptuous figure. She pinched her cheeks, grinned, and spun around. "What do you think, ladies?" she asked the girls, who were sitting on Katie's bed.

Kate, who had been combing through Katie's hair, turned and nodded approvingly. "Well done, Corrine; you clean up nicely."

Katie was more effusive. "You're a feek, love. I've never seen you look so fine."

"Thanks," she said as she sat next to Kate and started plaiting her hair. "We're all going to look mighty fine tonight, aren't we?"

"Well, we can't be going to the biggest party on the biggest ship in the world without our best, can we?" Katie preened in the mirror, admiring her own reflection. Her dark red hair was now twisted in an elaborate coil, just like the millionaires' wives she idolized. "Kate, you are going to make a fierce ladies' maid."

As the girls put the finishing touches on their appearance, Corrine began bouncing impatiently on the bed. "Are we quite ready yet? We don't want to be late," she urged.

Kate turned to her, suspicious. "And why is that? Is there some special fella you're hoping to see tonight?"

Corrine blushed. "No... that is, I mean, not at the hooley, but if I happen to be walking to the general room and, well, a certain officer happens to be on the deck, then..." She left the sentence as unfinished as the night.

"Ah, so now you want to see him!" said Kate. She sighed. "It's hard to keep track, Corrine, really it is. Do make up your mind, please!"

"I have," Corrine said firmly. "And I won't deny it - I do want to see him, as much as I can."

"You keep looking like that, you're going to see all of him, very soon," Katie elbowed her.

All three girls burst out laughing as Corrine reddened at the bawdy joke.

"Come, then," Katie said, standing. "I want to see my knight in shining armor tonight, too."

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Before they entered the general room, Corrine took a detour to the well deck. The air was chilly, but she hadn't wanted to bring her coat. Glancing up at the decks above, as per her usual habit, Corrine noted that Harry wasn't there. She sighed to herself, swallowing her disappointment. She had really hoped he would be loitering about; she wanted to see the look on his face when he saw her dressed in her finest. She thought shyly that he might be pleased... maybe even ask her to take another stroll... and maybe, just maybe, he might kiss her...? The thought made her turn red, and she was glad the other girls couldn't see her face.

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