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Chapter 12 ✦ Explosions

Harold awoke to the sound of ladies' voices outside his cabin door

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Harold awoke to the sound of ladies' voices outside his cabin door.

His first thought was of Corrine. Was that her? Why was she here? Was everything all right?

He bolted upright, threw the covers off, bounded out of bed, and wrenched open the door. Still in bare feet and pajamas, he stepped out of his cabin onto the deck.

The sight he saw defied explanation. Passengers - men, women, and children - were hurrying along the boat deck in lifebelts. And - the ship was down by the bow. He could feel it in his feet, the ever-so-slight tilt forward that only an experienced seaman would notice.

Alarmed, he slammed the door and hastily threw on his uniform, shoes, cap, and greatcoat. He had no idea what had happened, but he recognized at once that it was an emergency. Why hadn't he been notified?

He dashed from his cabin and ran forward from the port side. Outside, the noise was deafening; the funnels were blasting off steam, and the roar filled his ears. He searched frantically until he found Captain Smith near the bridge.

"Captain Smith! Sir!" he shouted. "What's happened? Why are the passengers on deck in lifebelts?"

But something was odd about the captain. Normally self-assured and charismatic, he was strangely hesitant. He opened his mouth, started to say something, and trailed off. Harold waited impatiently, but Smith just continued to stare off in the distance, as if traumatized.

Lightoller came up behind him suddenly. "Mr. Lowe - report to the starboard side at once and assist Mr. Murdoch. We have struck an iceberg, and there has been significant damage. We need to start lowering women and children in the lifeboats." He spared a glance for Smith, who nodded vaguely.

Bloody hell! A berg? How the fuck did that happen? Harold thought frantically, unable to wrap his mind around the devastating news. He knew they hadn't been up on the ice during his six to eight watch, but everyone knew it was coming; they had all seen the warning on the chart room board. His eyes traveled upward, to the crow's nest. Were they unable to see it in time to avoid it, because-

He glanced at Lightoller, who was watching him as if reading his mind. Was that a flash of guilt he saw in the older man's eyes? Whatever it was, it was quickly gone, and Lightoller waved him on impatiently.

Harold didn't wait. He flew over to the starboard side, passing through the bridge, and found Murdoch readying one of the forward boats for loading.

He jumped in to help, fitting cranks and unloading lines, still without fully understanding the magnitude of the situation. But one thought persistently gnawed at him: somehow, he had to find Corrine and make sure she was safe.

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Corrine found Kate and Katie where she had left them, involved in an animated conversation with two girls from Finland that consisted mostly of hand motions and single-word sentences. The girls were giggling and holding their lifebelts, and seemed to be having quite a merry time figuring out the logistics of wearing them.

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