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Chapter 11 ✦ Impact 

Corrine Donnelly was almost asleep when she felt the collision

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Corrine Donnelly was almost asleep when she felt the collision.

It wasn't much, really. A shudder, a grinding scrape, and then a few small bumps. But it was enough to cause her to open her eyes fully in the darkness of her room.

It had taken forever for her to settle into bed that night because she kept waiting for Harry to show up. He had taken to surprising her: in the morning, during his watch, he appeared on the stairs leading up from the dining room to E deck. He beckoned her to a little-used crew passageway, where he pushed her up against a wall and stole a few quick but passionate kisses before he went back above to round the ship. They held back their wilder urges this time, instead indulging in gentle caresses and murmured promises. She knew it was a sin, but she couldn't stop thinking about the feel of his body on hers during Mass that morning, causing her to blush and smile inappropriately all throughout the service, and earning stern looks from the priest. At four in the afternoon, Mr. Kieran brought her a single pink rose that had been swiped from a first-class table setting. There was no note, but a wink from the steward and the reference to an 'admirer' gave Harry away. Kate and Katie sighed and fanned themselves dramatically when she brought it to their room in a small glass of water she flagged down from Steward Hart.

She knew he was on duty from noon to four, and then six until eight... and after that, he was free until midnight, when he was on watch until the early hours. Oh, what naughtiness might they get up to tonight? she wondered. Her imagination - as much as her limited experience allowed, of course - ran away with her. She wondered where and how she could manage to get him alone - and for how long. She felt feverish, restless. She paced back and forth through the third class dining room, to the common rooms, across the well deck, and back again, dodging acquaintances and questioning looks. She looked up at the first- and second-class promenade decks; she peeked around hallways; she peered up the stairs. Still, he didn't come.

At 11:15, resigned, she had returned to her room to lie down. As she lay there, unable to sleep, she scolded herself for her unrealistic expectations. As if he didn't have anything better to do! Maybe he was socializing with his fellow officers, getting to know them at last. Maybe he had been called to the bridge to double-check his figures. Maybe he was hungry and was eating a late dinner. Maybe... anything could have happened. It was ridiculous of her to expect him to spend every free moment with her!

And yet she had - and she couldn't help but feel disappointed when he never appeared.

Now, just as her body was finally surrendering to a much-needed break from her whirlwind of thoughts, the jolt came. It was subtle - it reminded her a ripping sound felt but not heard - but noticeable just the same. Drowsily, she wondered what might have happened. Did something fall over in the kitchens?

She became fully awake when she realized she could no longer hear or feel the throb of engines.

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