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Chapter 9 ✦ The Craic

If anything, the party had become even more lively in her absence

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If anything, the party had become even more lively in her absence.

Someone had pushed the tables together in the middle of the floor, so that they formed an impromptu stage. A group of men was up there now, performing a light jig to the stomping and rhythmic clapping of the audience. Whiskey and beer flowed freely, and the room was filled with the shouts of men gaming and arm wrestling, and the squeal of girls as they whirled around in the space between.

"Come on!" Corrine shouted. "I'll show you 'round!" Show him off was more like it, she smirked to herself. Harry was, in her humble opinion, the best-looking man in the room, and she was quite smug about being his companion for the night. With a self-satisfied smile, Corrine led him over to meet her friends, still holding tightly to his hand.

Katie's eyes grew huge as she approached, and Corrine knew she had figured out who Corrine had in tow. She had to make sure Katie kept quiet, or the entire room would soon know that a ship's officer was among them. She couldn't predict how that would be received, and she didn't want to take a chance, so she made a quick slashing motion with her hand before Katie could open her mouth.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet my friend-"

"Godfrey," he finished, his voice smooth and very, very English. Corrine hid a smile.

Katie gave him a sly wink. "Nice to make your acquaintance, sir," she said, giving him an exaggerated curtsey. Corrine knew that their ruse hadn't fooled her at all.

Kate, on the other hand, looked thoroughly confused. "But I thought you said you were interested in-"

"Never mind about him," Corrine interrupted, waving her hand dismissively. "That one's a right stiff, he is."

Beside her, Harry made a strangled noise, and she had to pretend to cough to cover her laughter. Oh, she was enjoying this. But poor Kate! She would have to straighten her out eventually, just not in front of everyone else.

Thomas peered at Harry suspiciously. "Don't think I've seen you 'round," he said slowly, slurring the words slightly.

Glancing at Harry out of the corner of his eye, Corrine saw that he already had the tall man's measure. "I've been stuck in my room mostly. Bit of the seasickness," he said blandly.

"Then how did the two of you meet?" persisted Kate, looking from Corrine to Harry and back again.

Katie elbowed her. "Let's not be giving them the third degree, love, and just let it go." She shot a meaningful glance at Kate, who fortunately asked no more questions.

Corrine realized that she needed to get Harry away before one of them put their foot in it. "Come, let's dance!" she shouted, tugging on him.

He shook his head, laughing. "I don't dance, Corrine."

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