The Focal Point Theory from inside the nut shell.

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The Focal Point Theory states: what those of this World call "The Universe", what the theory terms "The All", came about through a process of duality and consequently presently exists upon a foundation composed of two equal opposites, thus counter but integral, opposing aspects in every individual aspect. The most simplistic definition being that one aspect is infinite in expansion, while its counterpart remains finite in contraction.

Together, combined as it were, is, and expected to remain, stand interweaved and in the majority of ways exist within the same space, maintaining equilibrium or if you prefer, balance.

One main difference between the Focal Point Theory and either of the two currently argued theories here on DoBaT, they being The Big Bang and Creationism, is that the Focal Point Theory through logic and contemporary observation, seeks to demonstrate that the formation of The All and the initiation of life that followed, came about through natural progression and that one does not preclude the other, in that everything within The All is an aspect of The All and the result be it end or intermediary culmination of natural processes integral to The All, as opposed to the hap-hazard, ill defined "something" be it a compounded 'singularity' or a singular 'Deity', both of which, current supporters claim, pre-existed present reality and somehow created through sheer Will or explosion, expanding into or just becoming, the Universe, as it is now. After this instantaneous or be it six day means, through whatever processes, be that chemical or conscious orchestration, reality was somehow separated into living and non living matter, but many still argue, on this World alone.

The second main difference is that the Focal Point Theory begins from the basis of nothing; no pre-existing material, no pre-existing all knowing intelligence - a something from somewhere that had somehow previously come into existence, which for some reason, also unknown, completely changed its reality into the present. Might as well just say the Universe as we know it came about as the result of a sneeze, which totally works as long as everyone simply avoids the questions, where did the sneeze come from, who or what sneezed, and why a sneeze when the average life form farts way more than they sneeze?

The third is that not only does The Focal Point Theory support everything science has so far proven it explains why at the centre of every Galaxy science will find what it has labelled a Black Hole, what this theory labels a Focal Point, which could similarly be thought of as a compression point in space time.

Consider this, science currently defines all Black Holes as so gravitationally intense that nothing, not even light, can escape. The Focal Point Theory explains how this same Black Hole is so compressively intense that it is capable of compressing pure energy into the most simplistic and most abundant element in the known Universe: Hydrogen.

The Big Bang theory or as it could also be referred to, The Square Peg Great Big Sneeze to cover the Fart noise Theory, was proposed in the early 1900's when science, comparative to today still in its early infancy, acknowledged the existence of just one Galaxy - the Milky Way. Back then science did not acknowledge the possibility of infinite Galaxies – just the one; everyone of the time did. The same can be said about this World being the only World within this infinite reality upon which life had established a foot hold; perhaps quite possibly because those Scientists all grew up in a social system greatly influenced in almost all ways by religious singularity teachings where the mere contemplation of any alternate beliefs were socially classified blasphemous and heresy in the highest order.

The term Universe and the term Galaxy, back then, for the absolute majority, were synonyms.

Since the correct classification of the Andromeda Galaxy, as a separate Galaxy rather than a Nebular within the Milky Way Galaxy some time around 1950 and then the recognition of infinitely more Galaxies beginning around the 80's and 90's science has been conscientiously trying to force the mathematics supporting the Square Peg in to the most up to date informational round hole. That said, and although the picture is still incomplete, at least science now has the advantage of observing a progressive image rather than a single frame. Unfortunately, most are still looking at what they see according to someone else's antiquated description and definition of what is actually there.

As far as I can see, given the most up to date knowledge of infinite Galaxies where everything is currently moving away from everything else, as opposed to the one Galaxy expanding from a centralized position, if you replace Big Bang with Great Big Sneeze, Sneeze actually works better and makes much more sense; especially with the commonly held adjunct to compliment the Big Bang Theory - Inflation. Inflation states that after the Big Bang, the Universe ceased expanding long enough to stabilize before rapidly expanding into what we each see now. Naturally, everyone must avoid asking the logical questions, what brought about the temporary cessation and what changed causing the rapid inflation? This, to me, screams economics not science.

I remember watching an Astronomy program on television and one Astronomer stated she could see all the flaws in the current Big Sneeze Theory and would love herself or someone else to come up with an alternate theory but to date no one had and accordingly science was stuck trying to prove that which the majority not only held to be true but would fight to their last breath to defend as true; much like how all religions hold dear their own truths at the exclusion of all else.

Complimentary to the Focal Point Theory, perhaps completely integrated, is the understanding that all living organisms within The All are an aspect of The All and, consequently, are based upon the same foundation of existence.

Of the two following statements only one can be true: nothing integral to the living organism, any living organism not just Human, continues it existence, in one form or another, after respiratory cessation OR an aspect of the living organism does continue to exist in one form or another after respiratory cessation.

What you presently accept, me included, is initially imposed at the earliest possible age where trust and belief in those about remains paramount, not to mention long before the concept of deliberate outright deception is ever personally contemplated. Later, long after that, it is openly offered up to you in terms of it being your personal concern; long after the fact of unwitting acceptance. I could say more on that subject but I won't. That is a tributary and tributaries are not what I need to focus on.

What I accept as true is mine, for no one else created it and then educated it into me; well, nobody from any social system on this world anyway. That much is certain.

This theory may not be correct or for that matter complete in all aspects. I openly acknowledge that, although I do not acknowledge that it has gapping holes that make the theory work only if you overlook one or more. And believing it is not true because it contradicts what you have been told to believe does not constitute a hole in the theory. That accepted, when everything is said and done, it is after all only a theory; my theory, unless it is what actually transpired, in which case I am certain intelligent life elsewhere in The All have already come to the same conclusion, thus making it my theory specifically only on this World, as opposed to my theory on all Living Worlds.

Perhaps somewhere within The All there does exists those fortunate enough to have been born into a social system not influenced in any way by the all limiting, abject, unflinching, one eyed dogma of religion, which from any objective viewpoint seems totally obsessed with imposing its own singularity concept on as many as Humanly possible; the one true God; the one true Son of God; the one true teaching; the one life, this World the only world supporting life, as well as but not ending with the Human as the only organism in reality with a soul. And here I do not mean 'in conjunction with religion doctrines or outside of'; I mean a social system that had never in its history been influenced by any form of religious propaganda.

Perhaps it is time to move on and think for your self? You could always base your contemplations on what you actually see now and not the description of the incomplete still frame you were told to memorise while being educated. More to the point, because everything is not yet known and there still remain original concepts for the individual to create, dare to contemplate what might exist outside of the cube and then dare to voice them. You may be wrong. I may be wrong right here but the truth is I dare to be wrong. It's the only way any of us will ever have a chance of eventually being correct.

Or not; stick to what was infused in you, rightly or wrongly, when you were but a trusting sponge. Why should I care? I do this not to gather your belief but to secure a win to a challenge within which is incorporated a wager; although, there is no way I can confirm the wager or that the challenge actually exists. So why act as if it does? Simple logic states that acting as if it doesn't, means I am guaranteed to lose. But that, for now, is something entirely different.


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