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TW: mentions torture, suggested rape; drugging

There's a hole in your soul like an animal
With no conscience, repentance, oh no
Close your eyes,
pay the price for your paradise
Devils feed on the seeds of the soul
-A Pain that I'm Used To by Depeche Mode

Hour 12

Steve was becoming frantic. Sophia and Bucky were taken 12 hours ago. The transponder signal kept flickering after they were able to follow to the edge of the city, but no clear signal had been given in 4 hours. Steve had so many questions and no answers. Why was Sophia at a club? She hates them ever since her birthday. Why was Bucky there with her? Why hasn't anyone asked for a ransom?

Tony was also frantic. Sophia had security for a reason. While he understood that she needed time away from the drama of the last few weeks, she was the heir to the Stark fortune. And Tony would pay anything to get her back. He had FRIDAY scan all of the camera in the city, looking for clues to Sophia and Barnes. That was his only saving grace; that Barnes was with her.

Sophia slept on the bed in her cell, Bucky keeping watch over her. A bang woke her up as the door opened. Soldiers placed a tray of food for the two of them and left. Bucky looked at Sophia and tasted the food. He nodded, signaling that it was ok to eat before taking some for himself. Sophia ate a little, eating solely because she knew she needed the energy. She also smelled the same gas as before, suppressing her powers still. There was no way for her to reach out to the team through her mind.

"I never asked. How did you find me James?"

"Oh well, when you called Daisy, she put the call on speaker. I heard where you were going and I decided to follow. I just wanted to make sure you were ok since it was my fault that you left the tower in the first place."

"I'd be mad but then again, I let myself be kidnapped again." Sophia leaned into Bucky. "I want to go home."

"I'll do everything I can to make it happen Angel."

An hour later, the soldiers returned, grabbing Bucky and locking Sophia in alone. She banged on the door, screaming to be released. She went back to her bed, crying, not knowing what they were doing to her friend.

Bucky was subjected to torture. They didn't have the device that wiped his memories, but Rumlow wasn't looking for him to be wiped. He wanted intel. So, he put Bucky though the torture that he could. Waterboarding, whippings, electrocution; he would take everything as long as they didn't come near Sophia. Rumlow asked question after question, wanting information on Steve and Tony. Sometimes he would ask about the other Avengers. He kept his mouth shut, not even screaming from the pain that was being inflected.

Rumlow reactivated the Soldier and continue with his instructions to watch Sophia, reminding him to do whatever necessary to keep her there. Bucky was returned to the cell, where he would stalk back and forth. Sophia cowered in the corner; her eyes wide open, ready to fight back if needed. When he stopped to observe her, she maintained eye contact for a second and repeated her phrase, "James, I love you. I'm your Angel." His eyes unfocused for a second and came back.


Sophia sighed with relief that it worked. He was back.

Hour 24

The night schedule was the same. They would bring them food, pump in the gas, take Bucky, torture him, re-activate the Soldier, take him back to the cell, Sophia would bring him back. Bucky would hold Sophia, not sure how much longer they would be here.

Possessive - Book Two (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now