Shouting Match

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Olivia was walking to Jefferson's office when she heard Hamilton shouting, intrigued she followed the shouting until she saw Hamilton shouting at Madison while he just stood there unamused with a frown in his face.

Hamilton then shouts "You and Jefferson are too stupid to see that if you give this government anymore leeway then you will ruin this country!"

Madison glares at him and says "I am not a friend to a very energetic government, Hamilton." Alexander looked so mad that he looked ready to punch Madison so Olivia rushed over to them, pushed Hamilton and said "Back off, Alexander."

Hamilton looks at her with fury and says "Who are to tell me that!? And anyway this conversation doesn't involve you." Olivia glares at him and says "It does now, so back. Off. Now."

Hamilton stomps over at her and looked about ready to slap her when Jefferson suddenly got in front of him and said "Lay a hand on her and I will bury you 6 feet under Hamilton."

Hamilton growled and muttered curse words under his breath. All of a sudden Burr got in between the 4 of them and said "okay that's enough, all of you, go back to your offices."

Madison whispered a "thank you" to Burr before dragging Olivia and Jefferson away from Hamilton, while Burr calmed him down and led him back to his office.

Once the 3 got back to there's, Olivia sat down and rubbed her temple's before saying "Hamilton makes me want to throw him out the window."

Jefferson laughs and says "the feeling is mutual." He then turned a little more serious and says "he didn't hurt you at all, did he?" Olivia shakes her head and says "no, your timing was impeccable."

Madison sighs and says "I think we've all earned ourselves a little lunch break, you guys want to go get something to eat." Olivia immediately jumps up and says "yes pls. Oh and your paying Thomas."

Jefferson groaned and said "fine" before leading them to the nearest restaurant." (I don't know if they had restaurant's back in the late 17 hundreds but I'm just gonna pretend that they did)

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