Chapter 1

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Anna walked out of the therapist's office, running head first into what felt like a wall.

"Watch it!" The large man grumbled, irritated at the girl he constantly had to wait for every week.

She looked up at the dark scruff and shaggy hair that fell over the most amazing steel blue eyes she had ever seen. She knew who he was, but he didn't know her. At least not yet. Her favorite part of therapy had been running into him afterward. She ran her eyes from his to his lips, down to his broad shoulders as she began to blush under his gaze.

"You're always going over your time." He barked, not really sure why he was annoyed. He doesn't want to be here anyways. But it was the principle of the matter. In his old school mind schedules matter. People's time matters. But the kids today were so self-involved. He looked into her deep green eyes and loses his train of thought for a second. He watched her looking at him like she was taking a mental picture. He couldn't deny her attractiveness. Her big green eyes and soft brown hair that fell just below her shoulders. He wondered what it would be like to run his fingers through it.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going," she spits out and Bucky is brought back to the present as she brushes past him, her chest grazing his as she stalked away out the door.


Anna makes it inside the house and is greeted by her little sister, Morgan, jumping in her arms. "Anna! You're home!"

The Stark family was the closest she ever had to a family. When Natasha took her from the Red Room all those years ago, she didn't know what to do with her. Anna was sure that she felt guilty she never went back to destroy the Red Room sooner. And Anna was the only widow left under 16. The other girls would be okay, they were almost adults. But no one was going to adopt a 12-year-old girl that was a trained killer. No one was going to want to deal with the trauma she had endured at such a young age. So, when Natasha and Steve Rogers found this little girl, they took her to the only person they thought could help her and keep her safe; Tony Stark. He was hesitant at first, but he and Pepper Potts soon grew attached. Tony even decided to legally adopt her and gave her his Stark last name. Natasha continued to train her, and she even got to spar with Steve here and there. Now she was nearly 25 and Tony wants her to join the Avengers, under the stipulation she went to therapy for her childhood trauma of being turned into a child weapon and being forced to take the Red Room version of the serum, among other things she didn't like thinking about.

Anna's thoughts are interrupted by Pepper's voice from the kitchen, "hey Anna, are you hungry?" Pepper was the closest thing she had ever had to a mother. And she was great at mothering.

"Yeah, I am, thanks," Anna answers with a smile as she sits at the counter as Pepper places a sandwich in front of her.

Pepper could always tell when Anna was lost in thought. "Are you nervous about tonight?"

Tonight, Anna would be attending a party at the compound. Tonight, she would be meeting the rest of the Avengers. Up until tonight only Natasha and Steve have known about her. "Yeah, a little. What if they think I'm not good enough? Or they don't like me?" Anna's head starts going a million miles a minute as she groans before she feels Pepper's hand on her back.

"Of course, they'll like you, honey." Tony sits on the stool beside her. "It'll be fine. I think you will be a great asset to the team. And Natasha and Steve both agree." She smiled at him; Tony always had a way of comforting her when she needed it most. He stands up from the stool, kissing her on the forehead. "Now, I have to go to the compound and set things up. I will see you soon."

"I want to go to a party!!" Morgan beams excitedly as she hops into Anna's lap as she laughs.

"I'm sorry sweetie, you're too young. But trust me, as soon as you're old enough, I will take you anywhere you want." Morgan looks disappointed but softly nods as Anna stands up and sets her on her feet. "Okay, I should go get ready for the party." She walks around the counter to Pepper and kisses her on the cheek. "Thanks for the sandwich."


Anna hovers nervously outside the door of the party, tugging and fidgeting with her dress and her hair. She chose an emerald green dress with an open back and high neckline that fell just below her knees. Now as she stood outside the party, she was worried that it was too much. "It's now or never," she mumbles quietly to herself as she finally pushes the door to the party open. Luckily, no one seems to notice her as they are all doing their own thing. She spots Natasha at the bar, making her way to her. "Can I have a drink?"

Natasha looks up at her protégée with a grin. "Wow, you look beautiful Anna!" She pours some amber liquid into a glass and slides it to Anna. "Some liquid courage."

"Thanks, Nat." Natasha has always been like a big sister to her. She was grateful for her saving her from the Red Room. She doesn't like to think about what would have happened to her if Natasha hadn't taken to her. Anna feels a soft hand on her back and she turns around to see Steve.

"You look beautiful, Anna." He smiles and leans down to kiss her on the cheek.

Anna returns his smile, praying he doesn't notice her blushing. She had always had a crush on him, but she knew he had never noticed her. Especially since he was dating Sharon. "Hi, Steve!" She responds, leaping to her feet to wrap him in a hug. She wraps her arms around his hard midsection as he hugs her tightly to his chest, only releasing her when they are interrupted by a voice behind them.

"Steve! Are you going to introduce me?" Sam asks, a large grin on his face as Steve turns back to him.

Before Steve can answer, Tony, walks up to them. "That's a good idea, Sam. Anna let's introduce you to everyone."

Anna's heart starts racing as Tony grabs her hand, leading her in front of everyone. She looks around the room at everyone's eyes; Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Loki, Thor, Vision, Wanda, Sam, Bucky, and even King T'Challa with his sister Shuri. She can feel everyone looking back at her. She locks eyes with Bucky to find him glaring at her.

Bucky couldn't hear anything that was being said as he stared at the girl beside Tony as he introduced her to everyone. He recognized those green eyes from the therapist's office. "This is Bucky Barnes." He hears his name, being brought back to reality. He only grunts and gets up and walks away. He can hear Tony's humorous voice behind him as he does.

"Don't worry, his bark is worse than his bite. For the most part." Tony turns back to everyone, wrapping his arm around Anna's shoulders. "This is my daughter Tatianna, and she will be joining the Avengers." They had decided not to tell everyone of Anna's origins. Just that she was adopted by Tony.

"And what can you do Anna?" Loki walks up to her with a smirk, intrigued.

Anna fidgets, thinking he is mocking her as she hears Natasha speak up behind Loki, "you don't want to mess with her, Loki, but I guess you'll find out soon enough."

Thor stands up and walks to Loki and Anna with a smile, his eyes taking stock of the small woman. "I like her."

"There is one more thing Anna." Tony hands her a box., takes her drink from her hand and he forces her to accept the box.

She tries to decline quietly, her face turning red as everyone continues to watch them. "Dad, I don't need anything."

Tony just rolls his eyes, finishing her drink in his hand. "You need this, trust me."

Anna sighs and takes a seat beside Steve and opens the box. Inside she finds a black catsuit a lot like Natasha's. It is black with red stitching.

Shuri approaches her with a smile, looking down at her where she sits. "It's a specially made suit straight from Wakanda. It is made from vibranium."

Anna smiles up at Shuri, her eyes welling with tears already. "Thank you so much. Really."

Tony stands in front of everyone and motions around. "Welcome to the Avengers, Anna." 

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