Chapter 23

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Anna wakes up in pain around her 28th week of her pregnancy. Her groans wake up Steve as he sits up beside her. "Anna? Are you okay?"

"I don't know Steve. There's pain." Steve starts to panic as he hurriedly gets dressed and helps her down the stairs to the golf cart. He races to the compound praying everything is okay. He carries her inside as he alerts Friday to have Dr. Cho meet them in the lab.

Dr. Cho finishes her examination. "Everything is okay. It is just Braxton Hicks contractions. But I advise you to be on bed rest. You need to rest and let your body do its job. We need to keep the babies in there for as long as possible." Anna starts to protest, but Dr. Cho speaks first. "I will allow you to do bed rest at home, but you have to promise me you will stay in bed." She looks at Steve and he nods in agreement. "You need to be off your feet as much as possible. Warm baths are fine." She looks back at Steve and laughs. "Basically, he is going to become your full-time servant for hopefully two more months. I will come twice a week to check on you, and the babies. Okay?"

Anna looks at Steve with a sigh. "I guess so. Are you up for waiting on me?"

He raises his hand to his lips and kisses it as she giggles, and he winks at her. "You bet I am."


Anna sits in the warm bath when Steve comes into the bathroom. She had been on bed rest for over a month now, and she tried to spend as much of it in the bath as she could. Steve was very cautious about making sure it wasn't too hot. He fussed over everything. "You ready to get out?"

She just pouts and shakes her head, and he laughs, starting to undress. He slips into the tub behind her wrapping his arms around her belly, massaging it softly making Anna moan in comfort. "That feels nice, Steve." She feels a baby kick as she grins.

"They appreciate it too, apparently." Steve kisses her on the head as she rests it back on his shoulder.

"We need to settle on names, Steve. For the babies, they'll be here soon."

He pauses for a second as he continues to rub her belly gently. "Well, James for a boy." He grabs her right hand and twirls the ring Bucky bought her. She wore it on her right hand as a little token of Bucky always.

Anna nods in agreement and he places his hands back on her belly and she places her hands on his. "What about James Grant Barnes?" She had been trying to find a way to incorporate Steve into the names of the twins since she decided to give them Bucky's last name. She knew he would have wanted that.

"Really? I love that so much. Thank you." He was surprised she wanted to include his own middle name.

"Of course, Steve. You will be a big part of their lives. They will love you as I love you. Now, what about the girl? I was thinking... Sarah Maria Barnes. Named after your mother and Tony's mother. I think Bucky would have liked that."

She hears Steve's voice falter a bit as she feels him nod. "I think those names are perfect, Anna. I love you so much. Come on, let's go to bed."


Two weeks later, Anna is sitting in her chair reading when she feels the pain radiating from her back to her stomach. "Steve!" She tries to slow her breathing as she sees him rush into the room. "I need you to get the doctor, it's time Steve." He starts to walk away as she shouts, "wait!" He comes back to stand in front of her, his eyes wide. "Help me up, and into the tub first." She laughs at his panicked expression. "I also need Nat and Pepper. Please." He helps her undress as the tub fills before he helps her slowly sit into the tub. "It'll be fine, Steve. Go get the doctor and then come back and strip the bed. Just like we talked about. Okay?"

He kisses her on the forehead, his heart racing. "Of course. I'll be back as soon as I can. Don't have the babies without me."

"No promises," she teases as he frowns before running out of the house.


Steve sits next to Anna on the bed holding Sarah while she holds James as everyone makes their way into the room one at a time. As soon as everyone is in the room Steve looks at Anna before standing up and he walks to Tony. "We would like to introduce you all to Sarah Maria Barnes," he hands her to Tony before taking James from Anna, "and James Grant Barnes." He hands James to Natasha.

Anna looks at Tony and sees tears welling in his eyes as he looks down at Sarah. "You named her after my mother?"

"We did. And Steve's." Steve sits back beside her and holds her hand and they watch everyone fawn over the babies. Steve leans over to Anna so only she hears, "you know what today is right?"

She doesn't understand at first, looking up at him before. "What do you mean?"

He smiles, his voice cracking a bit as he answers her, "it's the 10th, Anna."

She leans her head on his shoulder, now understanding. The babies shared Bucky's birthday. She believed it was his little way of assuring them that he was there with them, that he was happy with them together. 

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