Chapter 13

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Anna takes her time to shower after being forced in there by Loki. She knew he was just trying to be a good friend, but she really hated him at the moment. Steve had been nice to her. Probably too nice. Treating her delicately. She preferred it because it meant she didn't have to face anything. It meant she didn't have to focus on Bucky being gone. But maybe Loki was right, maybe it was time for her to get out of her funk. Bucky wouldn't want her to wallow. He wouldn't want her to give up. She turns off the water with a sigh and finds a clean towel and clothes waiting for her.

Anna walks out of the bathroom without a shirt, just her bra and pants and finds Loki sitting on the bed made with fresh clean bedding. She ignores him and finds a shirt of Bucky's from his closet and puts it on. She takes a moment to smell it before she sits down at the desk and begins to eat the breakfast Loki brought her.

"Well, my work here is done." Loki stands up after watching her for a moment and turns to leave before she grabs his hand, turning him back to her.

"Thank you, Loki."

He softly places a hand on her cheek and leans down so that they are face to face. "Of course, love. When you are finished here, why don't you come and join the rest of us downstairs."

Anna doesn't say anything, she only nods with a sigh, going back to picking at her food.

Loki walks downstairs and finds everyone watching him. "You guys have been coddling her." He shrugs as he looks at Steve. "She needed a little tough love, that's what he would give her. That's what she needs. I told her to join us down here when she finishes her breakfast."

Anna walks slowly down to the kitchen with her breakfast plate and mug, knowing what will be waiting for her. She places her stuff in the sink and walks to the living area. She doesn't look up; she doesn't want to see the pity in their eyes but feels Steve come up behind her and put his arm around her. She rests her head on his shoulder and finally looks up at everyone. "I just wanted to say thanks to everyone. For everything you've done or tried to do to help me, and I'm sorry." She looks at Loki with a small smile. "Thank you."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Pet." He winks at her with a little smirk.

"So, have we heard anything about Bucky? Or Rumlow? Anything?"

"I'm sorry Anna," Natasha sighs, shaking her head slightly, "not yet. But we're looking. I promise we will find him."


Over the next few months, Anna takes every mission offered. She's not sure what she wants more, to find Bucky, or get herself killed. On the last mission, she takes a stupid risk and ends up getting shot in the stomach.

Steve waits until everyone leaves the lab after the mission before he approaches Anna. "Are you stupid? You think this is what he would want? You are going to get yourself killed!"

"Who cares?" She stands up abruptly, trying to brush past him as he grabs her arm to stop her. "I have nothing here anymore anyway!!" She sees the hurt in his eyes like she just punched him in the gut, but she doesn't care.

"I care. Everyone here cares Anna. You can't go from one extreme to the other. I won't let anything happen to you. I can't...'

"You don't owe me anything, Steve." She rips her arm from his grip as he sighs. "You already saved me once; you've done your job."

He puts his arms around her just as she begins to cry. "I know I don't owe you anything, but I owe him everything. I can't let anything happen to you. I couldn't forgive myself."

Anna looked up at Steve, she had never understood what she did to deserve Bucky to love her let alone Steve. Before she has time to think about it, she wraps her arms around his neck, crushing her mouth urgently to his.

Steve's body reacts to Anna before his brain does, sinking into her kiss before pulling away. "Anna, stop."

"Please Steve," she pleads, looking up at him with a frown, tears streaming down her cheeks, "I just want to feel something. Anything."

Steve pushes her away, clenching his jaw as he takes a few steps away from her. "No, not like this, Anna."


Anna sits on the roof where she always went with Bucky. She thinks about the day before, trying to get Steve to kiss her, to sleep with her. She used his feelings for her against him and she knew it. So, now she sits alone, playing the guitar and singing as she tries to find herself in music.

I'm slowly killing myself
I'm trying so hard at the back of the shelf
It's just the same every day
I'm writing these songs that will never get played
I get told what's wrong and what's right
I don't have a romantic life

Anna feels Steve come and sit next to her as she finishes the song.

Help me
Oh, please someone help me
I don't care anyone, anything
'Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely
I miss all my family
God, I don't care, anyone, anything
'Cause I'm so sick of being so lonely

She puts the guitar down and looks up at him beside her. "Steve, I'm sorry. About yesterday. I tried to manipulate your feelings for me. I feel terrible."

"Don't be sorry, we're all going through a lot right now, Anna. I don't blame you. I have to admit, I was a little upset. Not because you kissed me, but... because I wanted you to," he admitted softly, hanging his head down.

Anna stands up between Steve's legs and wraps her arms around his neck and he pulls her to him, cautiously. They stand like that for a minute before Anna breaks the silence softly, "maybe in another life Steve, it would have been you." She pulls back to look him in the eyes. "I really am sorry Steve."

He rests his head against hers and closes his eyes. "I know. Me too."

They are interrupted by Natasha clearing her throat behind them. They both pull apart, turning back to her. "I have something you guys need to see. Now."

Steve and Anna enter the conference room to find everyone else already there. They take their seats and wait for Natasha to speak. "We have," she hesitates and looks at Anna, "we have some sightings of what looks to be the Winter Soldier. I'm sorry Anna."

Anna turns to look at Steve and she can see he is just as worried as her. "It'll be okay Anna." He grabs her hand under the table, and she interlocks her fingers in his.

"We need to go now; he was just seen outside of Romania. If we have any chance of getting him back, it's now."

Anna leaps to her feet quickly, almost knocking her chair onto the ground as she does. "Let's go!"

Natasha looks at Steve, but she doesn't need to say anything as Steve nods. "You guys go suit up, I'm gonna talk to Anna for a minute." Once everyone is gone, he turns back to Anna, grabbing her shoulders gently. "Anna, you have to stay here, I'm sorry."

"Steve! You can't leave me here! I have to go and help." Her heart sinks to her stomach at the thought of being left behind as they all went after Bucky.

"I'm sorry Anna, stay here. I promise, I won't return without him." He kisses her on the head. "I'm sorry, but I have to go." He starts to leave but hesitates at the door, turning back to her, his blue eyes dark as he frowns. "I love you. I always will."

Anna doesn't know how long she sits alone in the conference room before she hears someone open the door. She turns and sees Loki enter and sit next to her. "You my babysitter?"

He grabs her hand under the table with a sigh, squeezing gently. "Something like that, Pet. I'm sorry."

She leans her head on his shoulder with a sigh. "They'll bring him back, right? They'll be able to bring him back?"

"They have before. Come on, let's get you something to eat love."

She stands up and follows Loki to the kitchen. "You should be there with them Loki. I should be there."

"Don't worry love."

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