Chapter 6

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Anna and Bucky walked down to the kitchen in the morning for breakfast to find it full. As Anna sits down to eat Tony comes up behind her, "We're having a party tonight."

Suddenly, Anna remembered what the date was. "Dad! No!"

Tony ignores her warnings as he announces in front of everyone, "it's Anna's birthday!"

Anna smiled, embarrassed at everyone's well wishes, and stands up to leave as Thor grabs her and lifts her off the ground.

"What?! Happy Birthday little one!" He states with a hearty laugh as everyone chuckles.

"Thor! I can't breathe!"

Thor sets her down with a sheepish smile. "Sorry."

Everyone laughs as she looks at Bucky and can see he is a little disappointed that she didn't tell him. She doesn't break eye contact with him as she states firmly, "I just don't think a party is a good idea right now."

Natasha stands up and walks to Anna with a smile. "I think it would be a good distraction." She grabs her hand, looking around the room. "For everyone."

"Fine!" Anna walks away and hears cheers from the kitchen. She knows he is following her, so she heads instead to Bucky's room and not her own. She makes it to his bed and turns around as he enters and shuts the door behind him.

"How come you didn't tell me today was your birthday?"

She groans and lays down on the bed and stares at the ceiling. "You do know Tony right? He's going to make a big deal out of it. I don't like parties. Or being the center of attention Buck." She sits up as they hear a knock on the door. She looks around the room, panicked as they hear Steve.

"Buck, can I come in?"

Anna groans, hiding in the bathroom as Steve walks in and she puts her head to the door to listen.

"I did something stupid last night Buck." Anna knows exactly where he was going as she rolled her eyes.

Bucky looks confused at Steve. "Ok? What did you do?" He sits down on the edge of his bed as he watches Steve pace back and forth.

"I kissed Anna."

Bucky feels his jaw tense as a pang of jealousy flows through him at Steve's admission. He stands up but does his best to keep his cool. "What about Sharon Steve?"

Anna hears Steve raise his voice, "I know Buck! I'm an idiot. I loved Sharon, but it isn't really there anymore. I thought Anna felt the same about me that I did about her. What do I do?"

"For starters, you don't go around kissing women when you already have one. Next, if you don't want to be with Sharon, then don't be with her. But don't break up with her just so that you can move on to somebody else. Break up with her because you don't want to be with her anymore; because you don't love her anymore." Bucky hesitates, looking at the bathroom door for a moment before continuing. "Do you think Anna has feelings for you?"

Anna hears the slightest bit of hurt in Bucky's voice but doesn't think Steve notices as he answers softly, "I thought she did, but after last night, I'm not so sure."

Anna hears the door to Bucky's room shut before she comes out of the bathroom and sees Bucky sitting on his bed with his head down. "Why didn't you tell me, Anna?"

She kneels down in front of him, forcing him to look at her. "Because it didn't mean anything, Buck. Steve never should have kissed me. I'm sorry."

"If he wasn't with Sharon, would that have mattered?"

Anna cautions herself before answering, but she wants to be honest. "Maybe. Maybe a few months ago." She grabs his face in her hands gently. "But it's different now James."

He smiled, her being the only one he genuinely enjoyed hearing being called James by. Bucky stands up, pulling her to her feet as he wraps his arms around her and she wraps hers around his neck, hugging her tightly. "I have to go out, I'll see you at the party later." He pulls away with a sigh, kissing her cheek before walking out the door.

When Anna returns to her room, she finds Natasha and Wanda waiting for her. Wanda stands up with a grin. "Wanna go shopping for an outfit for the party?!" She pauses for a moment, nudging Natasha as she smirks. "And maybe we can talk about whatever is going on with you and Bucky."

Anna laughs, blushing. "Yes, to the first one. Probably not to the second," she answers quickly.


Anna settles on a black dress with a corset top and a skirt to the knees with a slit on one side. "Anna! That dress is perfect!"

The girls both show their adoration as Anna steps out of her room nervously. "It isn't too much?"

Natasha smirks, shaking her head. "Definitely not, Bucky will love it."

Anna blushes and hides back in her room. She paces for a few minutes trying to pull herself together, taking a few deep breaths to calm her racing heart. When she comes out of her room again the girls are still there waiting. "Look, I don't really know what is going on with Bucky, okay? We've grown closer over the last few months, and he's one of the few people I feel completely safe with."

The girls each grab one of Anna's arms and interlock them and walk her to the party. When they reach the doors to the party, Wanda and Natasha walk in first leaving Anna just outside the door.

"Wow, Anna, you look."

Anna turns around to find Steve looking back at her as she blushes and looks down. "Thanks, Steve."

He holds out his arm, offering it to her with a smile. "Need some encouragement to enter?"

"I'm fine, you go. I'll be in in a minute." She sees his disappointed look before he nods, turning to enter the party alone.

Anna takes a deep breath and enters the party and makes a beeline straight for Thor. "Little one!" He beams as she hugs him and Loki who is standing next to him.

Loki looks at her with a flirty smile. "Pet, you look beautiful."

She ignores his flirty tone and smile as she turns to Thor. "Please tell me you brought some of that Asgardian Ale."

Thor laughs, handing her the flask. "Of course, little one, but only one sip. Tony will kill me if I give you more."

She takes a small drink as she feels the warm liquid instantly calm her. "Thanks, Thor."

Bucky enters the party and sees Anna dancing with some guy, and then another. Everyone seems to want to dance with the birthday girl. He looks around the room and notices everyone watching her. He clenches his jaw as he feels someone walk up beside him. "She's just trying to make you jealous you know."

He doesn't have to look to know the voice belongs to Natasha. "Well, it's working." He sighs as he hears her chuckle and walk away.

As Anna dances, someone comes up and asks to cut in. "Steve, of course." She puts her hands on his shoulders as he delicately places his hands on her back.

"Happy Birthday Anna. I wanted to apologize for last night. I was an idiot."

Anna places her head gently on Steve's chest. "It's okay Steve. I forgive you."

She feels someone grab her shoulder and pull her around as she comes face to face with an angry Sharon. "You're the reason Steve broke up with me!"

Bucky approaches behind Sharon, but Anna shakes him away and he crosses his arms over his chest, ready if she wanted him.

"Oh Sharon, maybe he broke up with you because you're a bitch."

The whole room falls silent as their interaction becomes the center of attention. Sharon pulls out a gun and Bucky again starts to approach, but Anna puts her hand up to stop him.

"Sharon, what are you doing?" Steve asks, annoyed and confused at what is going on.

"It's fine Steve, I can handle Sharon." Anna leans back and kicks the gun out of Sharon's hand towards Bucky and he catches it. She leans in close to her ear so that only Sharon and Bucky could hear. "I spent last night in Bucky's bed, not Steve's. Maybe you should leave before I embarrass you more." Bucky grins at her as Anna nods to him to escort Sharon out of the party and Anna turns around to address everyone, "let's do presents!"

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