Chapter 22

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Anna waits, semi-patiently, with Dr. Cho for Steve to arrive. "He said he would arrive from his mission in time."

Dr. Cho just shakes her head softly, smiling at her. "It's fine. I have time."

Just then they see Steve come bursting through the door. "I am so sorry." Anna doesn't hear what he says, she is focused on his tattered uniform and the bruises on his face. She puts her hand on his face as he arrives at her side, and he winces slightly. "I'm fine, sweetheart."

Dr. Cho starts the examination, turning their attention to her. "Let's have a look." She moves the wand around Anna's belly looking at the babies. "They both look great. Would you like to know the sex of the babies?"

Anna looks at Steve excitedly, as they both answer together. "Yes!"

Dr. Cho points to the screen. "Well, if you look here, this one is a boy." She moves the wand. "And this one, this one is a girl. You have one of each."

Anna starts to cry as Steve sits beside her, wrapping his arms around her.


Back at the house, Anna watches Steve shower quietly. She sees the bruises and marks on his body. "Steve, we need to talk." She doesn't say anything as she leaves him in the bathroom and sits in the chair Bucky picked out for her tiny library. Steve comes out of the bathroom in just underwear still drying his hair with a towel. Anna scowls, her eyes wandering over his body. "That is so not fair Steve, and you know it."

He smirks at her with a shrug. "What?" He laughs and walks to the closet, coming back out with sweats and a t-shirt. "Better?"

"Only slightly."

Steve kneels down in front of Anna in the chair so that they are eye to eye. She puts her legs on either side of him and puts her arms around his neck, "We need to talk, Steve." She sighs, unsure how to start. "I'm having... I'm going to be... I'm worried about you, Steve. I can't relax the entire time you are gone on missions. I need you here."

He rests his head on hers the way he does that she always likes as he smiles back at her. "Okay. You want me to retire? I will stop going on missions."

She shakes her head. "I can't ask you to do that. You aren't one that can ever walk away from a fight. I just need you to, I don't know, take on less dangerous missions? I can't lose you too, Steve. I can't." Her emotions betray her as she feels the tears start to slowly roll down her face. Fucking pregnancy hormones had her way more emotional than normal.

Steve slightly chuckles as he softly wipes away her tears. "You didn't ask me to, I offered. I would do anything for you, and for those babies. Also, I may be a super soldier, but I am getting too old to continue this way. I've been considering passing the mantle on to Sam. What do you think?"

Anna's spirits immediately are lifted as she grins at him. "Really? I think Sam is a great idea. There isn't anyone that deserves it more. I love you so much, Steve. I just need to know that you are safe."

Steve stands up and walks back to the closet, this time coming out with jeans and a t-shirt. He walks back to Anna and grabs her hand and helps her to her feet. She was still so beautiful to him. "Come with me." He leads her outside to their oversized golf cart Tony got them to transport themselves around the compound. Steve had a road put in from their house to the entrance of the compound.

He doesn't say anything as he motions for Anna to sit once they arrive in the conference room. Steve asks Friday to announce that everyone was needed in the conference room. He goes down to the training room and grabs his shield and goes back to the conference room. As people start piling in, Anna leans towards Steve. "What is going on?"

He just kisses her on the forehead. "I'm doing what we talked about."

She laughed, a little surprised as she had expected more of a fight. "Right now?" He just winks at her as everyone sits down.

"Are you guys going to call us in here every few months? Will this be a normal occurrence?" Anna hears everyone softly laughing at Sam.

"Maybe!" Steve starts with a laugh. "I had some things I needed to discuss, with the whole team. First of all, Anna and I have discussed my retiring." He pauses as he watches everyone look at each other.

Natasha was the first one to speak up. "Honestly, we were assuming you would. We were just waiting for you. You've been at this a long time Steve, if anyone deserves to retire, it's you."

Steve's eyes start to water a bit as he looks around and sees everybody nodding in agreement. "That's so great guys. Really. The next order of business is this," he picks up the Shield and holds it up on the table, "if I retire, it leaves room for a new Captain America."

Anna looks around the table and sees confusion. She watches Sam as Steve hands the shield to him. "It would make me so happy if you were the one to carry the shield. This shield means a lot to me," he looks at Anna before looking back at Sam, "and it meant a lot to Bucky. I don't know anyone who would better serve it than you."

Sam stands up to wrap Steve in a hug. "Are you sure about this?"

"Of course, I am, Anna and I talked about it, and we want you to carry it. Will you?"

Anna hears Sam's voice start to crack as he nods. "I will do my best. Thank you so much."

Sam sits back down and Steve looks around the room with a smile. "I think that's it."

"Wait! Steve, help me up." Steve lends a hand to Anna so she can stand in front of everyone. "Steve and I found out the sex of the babies today. It's a boy and a girl." She looks around at everyone's excitement as she listens to everyone's congratulations. "I think that's all now." She looks up at Steve, soaking in the loving look as she drowned out everyone else.

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