Year 1: 12

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[The four are walking up a staircase in the Grand Staircase tower. A railing pulls in, Hermione looks, but continues walking.]

Ron: I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do.

"I do not." Hermione protested.

Harry: Who doesn't?

[The staircase shudders and begins to move. The three grab the railings.]

"Ah.. Oh.." said Tonks.

Ron: Ahh!

[Hermione gasps]

Harry: What's happening?

"You're just like this idiot, Harry." Julianne said to Harry, pointing James. "I hope you've got lily's brain, not his rotten one."

"Well, can't disagree on that one." Said Remus.

"Hey." James pouted at his sister and friend.

Hermione: The staircases change, remember? [The staircase stops, leading to a corridor.]

Harry: [taps Aurora] Let's go this way.

Aurora: Before the staircase moves again. [Aurora nods.]

[They all open a door and walk into a spooky, dark and deserted corridor.]

Harry: Does anyone feel like...we shouldn't be here?

Aurora: You're right harry.

Hermione: We're not supposed to be here. This is the 3rd floor. It's forbidden.

[Suddenly, a flame lights on a tall stone support. At that moment, Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris, comes running in and meows. The group jumps.]

"Arg-- that bloody cat." Many groaned.

Harry: Let's go.

[Mrs. Norris meows]

Ron: It's Filch's cat!

Aurora: I love cats, but I'm gonna hex that one.

Sirius gasped. "How could you!" He hid his face in his wife's shoulder and fake cried. "My puppy thinks cats are better than dogs."

"I didn't say that." Aurora face palmed.

"You'd better ignore him or it gets worse." Julianne smirked.

"Now I'm feeling so betrayed." Sirius pouted.

Harry: Run!

[The trio run through the corridor, flames are lit up on the stone supports, one by one, as they run past. They get to the end of the corridor, to a door.]

Harry: Quick! Let's hide though that door.

[Harry grabs the handle, but it's locked.]

Harry: It's locked!

Ron: That's it, we're done for!

"Dramatic much." Said Sirius.

"Says the drama queen." Remus rolled his eyes.

Hermione: Oh, move over! [pushes through and pulls out her wand, aiming it at the lock] Alohomora. [The door's lock lifts up magically and it opens.] Get in. [They bustle in.]

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