Year 2: 05

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[IN the clouds, passes through, finds Scotland's stunning green. The Anglia's ENGINE PUTTERS  softly, when -- POP! - the car reappears. Ron jabs at the silver button.]

"What now?" Julianne groaned. 

Ron: Uh oh. The Invisibility Booster  must be faulty.

"Great." Lily rubbed her forehead.

"Well.. It's not that bad." James chuckled awkwardly and shared a look with Harry and Sirius. "Right?"

[ZOOMS ALONG the ridge of a cliff. The car reappears from above, gliding away]

Ron: Any sign of the train?

Harry: There! Up ahead! Look...

[Along a STEEP BRIDGE, a single line of TRAIN TRACKS appear.]

Ron: Brilliant.

[Ron SHIFTS, GLIDES DOWN, until the Anglia is only a few feet above the tracks. The boys peer ahead, looking for the train.]

"Where's the train?" Remus frowned. "It can't just disappear."

Ron: It must be around here someplace.

[Behind them, through the Anglia's rear window, the Hogwarts Express APPEARS, closing fast. Harry and Ron perk up. Smile.]

"It's the train." Daphne shrieked. 

"Well spotted Greengrass. Ten points to Slytherin." Aurora rolled her eyes. Hermione, Ginny and Emilia snorted at her comment. 

Harry: Do you hear that?

[Then, at precisely the same moment, Harry and Ron register the DIRECTION of the sound. They glance at each other, turn as one and see the train GROWING HUGE in the rear window.]

"Merlin's soggy pants." Sirius yelled. 

"Get out of there." James hugged a shivering Lily. 

Molly was hugging Arthur, scared for her youngest son's life. She knew he was safe but seeing him in danger scared her to death.

Harry/Ron: Aaaahhhhh!

[Ron SPINS THE WHEEL, puts his foot to the gas and -- at the last possible second -- whips the Anglia out of the train's path. The car WAFFLES, TOPPLES upside down briefly, before..]

[... TILTING onto its side. As it jets under the bridge,Harry goes SLIDING DOWN ACROSS HIS SEAT, into the door, and... OUT. Dangling upside- down from the open door, he watches the Hogwarts Express ZIP PAST and, in one window, glimpses NEVILLE and SEAMUS, mouths open in astonishment.]



Hall yelled.

"That was really you." Neville said in realisation. 

Lily hid her face in James's chest.

[Inside the train, Aurora walks through the passage and peeps in to a compartment with fourth year Hufflepuffs, including Cedric.]

Cedric: Hi, Aurora! Nice to see you again.

Aurora: Oh, Hi! I was just looking for my friends.

Lila: Sure you were. [Snorts as Aurora rolled her eyes.]

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