Year 2: 23

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[Aurora sits on a hospital bed, Professor McGonagall stands next to her, still worried. Madam Pomfrey ushers Aurora to drink a potion.]

"I knew it. I knew you were Minnie's favourite." Fred pouted.

Aurora smirked.

Madam Pomfrey: You look pale, dear. Drink this.

"That was the most disgusting potion ever." Aurora gagged.

[Aurora nearly threw up the potion.]

Professor McGonagall: A diary that writes back to you! [Aurora jumped at McGonagall's sudden outburst] What were you thinking?

"That's Minnie's overprotective mother mode." Sirius chuckled, remembering her own childhood in the castle. 

"She was there, at your birth," Julianne muttered to Aurora, with a small smile on her face.

Aurora: [Quietly] I uh-- I wasn't in my right mind.

Professor McGonagall: You are a very smart girl, Aurora. I can not believe did not suspect a thing.

"That was exactly what I was thinking," Remus said.

Aurora: Somethings reach you in the most sensitive and the vulnerable place, Professor. It's a little hard to get out of those situations.

Aurora's friends and family, except the trio, shared a look. Mr and Mrs Clarke looked tense.

Professor McGonagall: [Sighs] You did give us-- You gave me a good scare, young lady. Don't you dare do such things again! I will ground you for the rest of your life and I do not care what your parents would say.

"Of cause, Minnie would do that." James chuckled. "You remember that one summer, July?"

"The one that Minnie managed to convince mom and dad to keep us from Quidditch for a whole month," Julianne asked. McGonagall's lips twitched a little at the memory.

"Exactly that one." James laughed.

"Why would she do that?" Hermione asked.

"That was a very unfair reason." Julianne pouted.

"Yes, very unfair." James nodded.

"Sure, both of you constantly got into near-death accidents in matches." Sirius scoffed.

"That was only a couple of times." Both Julianne and James protested.

"You fell off your broom thrice, broke your arm twice, was unconscious for a whole day twice." Remus pointed at James and turned to Julianne. "And you, Juls, you broke a rib once, broke your leg twice, fell off your broom twice and took a bludger to head."

"Let's not forget about the time she rode her broom straight into a stand to catch the snitch and was unconscious for two days," Regulus added.

"Wait, I really was out for two days? I thought you guys lied." Julianne asked.

"Your head got hit pretty hard." Lily nodded.

"Guess the Quidditch obsession runs in the family." Said Ron.

Aurora: [smiles sadly.] That wouldn't be a problem, Minnie.

[Professor McGonagall gasps and stares at Aurora, eyes widened.]

Professor McGonagall: W-what did you just say?

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