Year 03: 13

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[Next day the quartet make their way down the slope.]

Ron: I find it astonishing that someone who prides herself on being so logical can be in such denial.

Hermione: Harry. Will you explain to your friend Ronald that he has absolutely no proof whatsoever that my sweet, unassuming cat ate his shabby, decidedly decrepit rat.

"Bickering like an old married couple." Julianne laughed.

Ron: Harry was there! He'll tell you
how it was. Go on, Harry, tell her.

[They reach the BLACK LAKE. Hagrid, wearing a GIGANTIC, HAIRY BROWN SUIT and perhaps the world's ugliest YELLOW AND ORANGE TIE, stands knee- deep in the shallows of the Black Lake, skimming rocks as big as flagstones across the water's shiny gloss. As he turns, the trio catches a brief sight of his eyes, red with tears, then he looks away.]

Hermione: How'd it go, Hagrid?

Hagrid: Buckbeak liked London.

Hermione : I meant the hearing.

Hagrid: Oh. That. Well, I got up an'
said my bit -- You know, how Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff an' as long as yeh treated 'im with respect, he'd treat you the same. Then Lucius Malfoy got up an' said his bit -- you know, how Buckbeak was a deadly dangerous beast that no teacher in their righ' mind would expose their students to...

"Deadly my arse." Charlie rolled her eyes.

Hermione:(dreading it) And...?

[Hagrid slings another rock into water.]

Hermione : You mustn't blame yourself, Hagrid.

Ron: Draco. It's him the Committee should punish. It's him they should send off to the forest, not Buckbeak.

Hagrid: Buckbeak's not going back to the forest...

Hermione: (dreading the answer) Where's he going, Hagrid?

Hagrid: He asked fer the worse, yeh see, Lucius Malfoy did. An' the Committee granted it. Buckbeak's bin sentenced ter death.

"You just did not do that Lucius Malfoy!" Julianne roared.

Lucius Malfoy cringed at the voice of the younger woman.

[Dark. Ominous. Dementors drift in the distance. Restless...]

[Aurora walks through a hall way humming a tune. As she reaches the door to the potions class room she sighs and enters.]

"Let me guess, detention?" Lily turned to her niece.

"Yup" Aurora grinned.

"Can't blame you on that one. I'm a regular detentionist myself." Julianne grinned.

"Darling that's not a word." Sirius shook his head.

"It is now." Julianne smirked at her husband.

Fred: Ro! Good to see you mate?

George: Been long since we pranked anyone.

"Yes!!! We need some good pranks." James jumped in his seat.

Aurora: Yeah, we should probably do something soon. What did you two did this time to get detention?

Fred: Blew up an old statue-

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