Year 2: 21

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[Harry RACES HEADLONG into the shadows, then looks back, sees the snake eclipse the light at the far end of the tunnel and SLITHER QUICKLY inside. Thinking, Harry DUCKS INTO AN ALCOVE puts his hand over his mouth and waits, desperate to remain STILL and SILENT. The snake slides heavily by, then... SLOWS. TURNS BACK. The snake's head weaves inside, only INCHES from Harry's face. Harry trembles as the snake's head cocks to the side, then... finally... WITHDRAWS.]

"Oh, Melin!" Lily sobbed.

[Harry DASHES back into the main chamber. Aurora looks frighteningly pale. Riddle GRINS cruelly, almost SOLID now.]

At the sight of unconscious Aurora, Julianne began muttering prays.

Tom Riddle: Yes, Potter. The process is nearly complete. In a few minutes, Aurora Clarke will be dead. And I will cease to be a memory. Lord Voldemort will return. Very much... alive. But I have to say, I do feel sad about Aurora. She could have been such a great asset to me. But she must die for the process to be completed.

"No wonder he wanted Aurora to join him." Harry sighed. "If she was on his side, we won't stand a chance."

"So he was after her from the beginning." Hermione told the other two.

"What are you two talking about." Sirius frowned.

"You'll see." Harry replied.

[Harry moves toward Aurora, then suddenly... the BASILISK SHOOTS OUT of the TUNNEL, HISSING directly in front of Harry. Trapped, Harry glances around, then -- impulsively -- LEAPS upward, begins to scale the statue of Salazar Slytherin. The serpent strikes madly, but Harry continues on, CLIMBING BOLDLY until he reaches the top. He turns. Sees the Sorting Hat. Sees what glitters within the RUBY HANDLE of a SWORD.]

"The sword of Gryffindor." Emilia gasped.

[Harry WHEELS, sword in hand, and fends off the slashing serpent. In a mad rush of courage, he PITCHES HIMSELF onto the serpent, SLIDES DOWN its back and rolls up, SWORD RAISED. Too tired to flee, Harry simply waits. The serpent rises and, FANGS BARED... STRIKES.]

"You can do it son." James muttered.

[Harry drives the sword upward, deep into the roof of the SERPENT'S mouth. It HISSES in PAIN, thrashing MADLY as it drives a FANG into Harry's arm. Harry clutches his arm in agony, stumbles back and falls to the floor, watching as the serpent THRASHES briefly... then goes STILL.]

"No!" Lily shrieked.

Everyone gasped.

"We only knew you killed it." Said Neville.

[Harry peers down, see the FANG that pierces his arm, the blood soaking slowly into his robe. As he yanks the fang free, Riddle steps forward, almost fully whole now. His eyes shine at the sight of Harry's wound.]

"Basilisk venom is bloody powerful." Julianne muttered. "How did you survive?" She turned to Harry, worried for her nephew's safety.

Tom Riddle: Remarkable, isn't it? How quickly does the venom of the Basilisk penetrate the body? If you have any final words, Potter, you'd best speak them now. I'd guess you have little more than a minute to live.

[Harry blinks heavily, watching as the skin of his forearm turns a troubling grey.]

Tom Riddle: So ends the famous Harry Potter. On his knees in the Chamber of Secrets. Defeated at last by the Dark Lord he so unwisely challenged. You'll be back with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry...

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