Year 4: 01 [II]

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[Cuts to, Aurora and Sirius getting down from a bus. Sirius wearing a long coat and a hat go cover himself.]

Aurora: Dad, how do you know how to use muggle transportation?

"Courtesy of all the sneaking around from James." Julianne joked.

Sirius: Your mom and I used to travel around with muggle vehicles, running from James.

Aurora: So, where are we going?

Sirius: There's not many places I can go in the wizarding world right now. So I thought we could just take a walk around the muggle streets.

Aurora: You won't get into trouble here, right?

"If Sirius Black ever cared about getting into trouble, we would have had a comfortable school life." Lily commented.

Sirius: I've been walking around this area in my animagus form to make sure it's safe. Don't worry darling, we'll be fine.

Aurora: [Grinning] Okay.

[Aurora and Sirius walk around while looking into the shops on the street and chatting. Aurora is chatting without a break while Sirius laughs.]

Aurora: I swear dad, I didn't blew up the school on purpose. I was six and it was accidental magic.

"Oh my god! I remember that!" Harry started laughing. "I still can't believe it's you."

"I haven't even seen that but I can." Said Theo.

Sirius: [Laughs] I know it's accidental magic, what I'm saying is that sounds very marauder like.

Aurora: Well Harry flew from the school ground to a building roof when he was 7.

"He's been flying since he was a year old." James said proudly.

"Too bad you weren't." Julianne smirked.

"What?" James asked, confused.

"Don't tell me you don't remember how long it took you to properly handle a broom." Julianne smirked again.

"That's not true."  James gasped and turned to Fleamont and Euphemia. "Right?"

They only chuckled.

Sirius: Really? James would be proud.

Aurora: Well he was bullied.

"What?" James' face darkened. "Who was it?"

"It was a long time ago dad." Harry said. "Besides, I had a knight in shining armor." He nudged his cousin, Aurora.

Sirius: [Smile drops immediately.] What?

Aurora: Don't worry I kicked their asses. The were really scared of me. I mean, I did blow up the class and kicked a group of giants like boys so, I guess they ought to be.

Sirius: Sounds like someone I knew, your mom. Nobody dare mess with her. She would stick up to anyone who's being mistreated.

"Got it from my mom." Julianne grinned at her mother, Euphemia.

Aurora: Mooney keep saying that too.

Sirius: That's because it's true. The resemblance is undeniable. Anyone who knew Julie would recognize you.

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