Year 1: 19

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Harry: Snoring.....


[Harry pushes. the door further and the light from the corridor falls on a TINY HARP. Playing by itself]

"He's already gone through." Dean said and glares were send at Snape who had a blank expression.

[As they enter, Harry takes a FLUTE from his pocket.]

Harry: Suppose we won't be needing this now. [Aurora nods] Look, it's obvious Snape's already got past Fluffy. If you three want to go back.. [Aurora smack him on head]

"Really Harry?" Ginny rolled her eyes knowing that it wouldn't happen.

Ron: Don't be stupid.

Hermione:We're coming. 

Aurora: Whether you like it or not.

Everyone smiled fondly at their friendship.

"I don't like to encourage that but I'm glad he had you all." Lily said with tears.

"And I'm thankful you came." Harry said hugging them.

Harry: Right then. All together now. 

[Straining mightily, they put their shoulders to the massive paw that lays across the trapdoor. Once done, Harry flings it open. Below lies only darkness... a faint whistling wind.]

Harry: I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign. If something... bad  happens... get yourselves out--

Aurora: [Interrupts harry] Does it seem a bit...quiet... to you? 

"Oh no!" Hall groaned.

Hermione: The harp...what happened to the...

[Splat! something wet and sticky hits Ron's shoulder]

"Ew!" Daphne, Lavender and Parvati yelled.

Ron: Yuck! What's this ruddy stuff--

[Slowly, they look up. A MONSTROUS, DROOLING SHADOW darkens their faces. Fluffy. Awake. Hungry. Each head ponders its own particular snack, then, with·a mighty GROWL, swoops. Instantly, the quadrant  pitches themselves into the darkness...]

[Harry PLUMMETS down a glittering shaft, tumbling headover heels, down, down, down, until... FIUMP! He lands, in something soft.and yarnlike, followed quickly by Aurora, Ron and Hermione. Harry adjusts his glasses, looks up. A tiny SQUARE OF LIGHT--the trapdoor--glimmers far above.] 

Ron: That

"Really Ron?" Emilia shook her head.

Auroro: You'd say that if we break our necks, falling. [she rolls her eyes.]

Harry: We must be miles under the school. 

Ron: Lucky this plant thing's here, really. 

"Not really." Professor Sprout said as adults gave her a weird look.

Harry: WO! 

[A vine snakes out Ron's back collar.]

"What in the world is that?" Yelled James.

"That's Devil's Snare" Said Lily, Julianne, Remus and Regulus together.

"What?" James and Sirius asked dumbly.

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