Year 2: 08

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[Harry, Ron and Hermione walk down the corridor.]

Ron: A Squib's someone who's born into a wizarding family but hasn't got any powers of their own. It's why Filch is trying to learn magic from a Kwikspell course. It's also why he hates students so much. He's bitter.

"Actually that explains a lot of things." Said, James.

"But I think his hatred is understandable." Said Aurora as everyone gave her a bewildered look. "Oh don't get me wrong, I do hate him." She rolled her eyes.

"But just imagine being a squib and living in a school for magical kids for your whole life." Aurora explained. "I don't doubt his family treated him horribly."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

"Besides we can clean and arrange everything with a flick of a wand." Added Emilia. "But he had to do it all alone, using his hands."

[Hermione, who's only been half-listening -- as if trying to unravel something in her mind -- speaks then.]

Hermione: Harry. This voice. You said you heard it first in Lockhart's office?

"If we didn't hear that voice clearly, I'd say that was Lockhart's screaming ego." Julianne grumbled.

Harry: Yes.

Hermione: And did he hear it?

"Did he ever listen to anyone or anything else besides himself?" Regulus snorted.

"And why are you not close with your brother?" Aurora turned to Sirius. "He's cool."

"Cooler than me?" Sirius pouted.

"Maybe." Aurora teased.

Harry: He said he didn't.

Ron: Maybe he was lying.

"He always does," Said Harry.

Hermione: I hardly think someone with Gilderoy Lockhart's credentials
would lie to one of his students, Ronald. Besides, if you recall, we didn't hear anything either.

"Exactly Miss Granger." Gilderoy winked.

"I take it back. I take it all back." Hermione groaned.

Harry: You do believe me, don't you?

Hermione: 'Course we do. It's just... it's a bit weird, isn't it? You hear this voice and then... Mrs Norris turns up Petrified.

"That is very strange." Said Remus.

Harry: I can't explain it -- it was... scary. [frowning] D'you think I should've told them -- Dumbledore and the others, I mean.

Ron: Are you mad!

"Possibly." Harry shrugged.

Hermione: No, Harry. Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign.

[Trio reaches the fat lady's portrait and climbs through it.]

Harry: Why didn't Ro meet us?

Hermione: I don't know Harry. Maybe she already went to sleep.

"Her? Sleep early? Never." Tonks shook her head.

Harry: Maybe.

Hermione: Good night Harry! Good night Ron!

Harry and Ron: Good night Hermione!

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